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  1. WWgrower

    70w hps

    I don't think it is a question, your going to need more power. The more the better and you can get closer under cfl.
  2. WWgrower

    I found a Black Lady Bug w/ Red spots under a leaf??

    Up around here if you found a ladybug in your plants it meant you were going to have a good harvest. Just a bunch of stoners talking around a late night fire!
  3. WWgrower

    IR detection

    Thanks for that post, I gave you some rep.!
  4. WWgrower

    Weed is in your bible!!

    If the bible were real maybe!
  5. WWgrower

    mouthy people

    It's when they start a discussion between themselves that adds nothing to the topic, that really tics me off. Old friends should talk elsewhere. It is most annoying to see five word post for pages on how there kids and families are. Not to mention numerous post of a few word that could have been...
  6. WWgrower

    Couldn't Pay For Elite membership

    I don't even know where to go to try it.
  7. WWgrower

    When my ladies are done?

    I heard plastic containers should be avoided. Don't remember the specific reason but I have read it a few times. I put mine in glass jars. Mason till I run out then baby food jars. Jam jars, spag sauce jars. Love those baked bean jars. WASH OUT......LMAO
  8. WWgrower

    White powder on clones???

    How about a pic. would like to see what it looks like!
  9. WWgrower

    White mold

    Wish you could take some pictures of this. There are very few pic's of mold ,bud rot and could use them for education of these conditions!
  10. WWgrower

    weird white stuff on net basket

    Looks like dissolved salts to me. Don't add H202 till later in flowering. I'd just keep a eye on it. But you should have this on other pots come to think of it. Do you have this on other pots in your system? If so it is the slats. If not it May be mold in which case if you arn't to far along...
  11. WWgrower

    Mold on my babies?

    It is Algae. All uncovered, exposed to light rockwool get it. If left uncovered it really gets nasty looking. I used to put duct tape to cover exposed areas. Now I use Panda film. It still gets nasty looking but nothing like uncovered. Good luck.
  12. WWgrower

    AHH MOLD, need help

    Have the same problem and I feel for you. I live in the northeast and knew starting this late I was going to run into this but thought I would figure out a way to combat it. tried the de-humidifier. First cost 150 buck (ouch) and got the room WAY too hot. couldn't tolerate the heat over 90 and...
  13. WWgrower

    My first hydro batch! What do you think?

    It's funny, no matter how many people put pic's up to ask if there ready yet. There is always someone who says to wait a little longer. I say your there, do what you do,but your done with the growing part now the all important drying and curing!
  14. WWgrower

    favorite growers of RIU

    FDD, Panhead,Gangagoddess and honorable mention MR. West for the best avatar.
  15. WWgrower

    temperature too high?

    Hey, What are your temps at night? I knew I was going to run into the summer with my present grow. It was grow or wait another 6 months till cool weather comes back around. SO I AM into flower now and have my timer set to go on at 8PM and off at 8am. I just have problems with humidity. With...
  16. WWgrower

    Super cropping as a form of hight control

    If your looking to control height to protect them from bring spotted from the ground here is what I always did. Take some hemp rope somewhat thin tie it 1/4 from the top to good firm stem. Find a place on the ground and tie the plant down. Start off small a few inches depending on height of...
  17. WWgrower

    Metal Halide bulbs (Mh) Grow lamp

    Good luck on getting a answer there too busy talking about there favorite f-ing movie and duck butts.
  18. WWgrower

    take a look

    4 to 5 weeks. Surprised you've done that well with foil need to replace that with mylar next grow. goos luck
  19. WWgrower

    Woww newwwb. My Precious few seedlings are being eatin, WTF? 5 down to ONE!!!!!

    That is a good one 420, made me spit my drink all over the puter. Anyway we need some kind of pic's there is no way we can begin to guess. Some more facts about your grow too. I assume your indoors???? One last thing if your one last plant is a male it is good for nothing, SORRY. But it seems...
  20. WWgrower

    growing in horse poop

    There going to burn, save it for the shroons.