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  1. WWgrower

    Hermie up close and personal PICS galore!

    About time somebody brought up you can smoke it and keep the seeds for future growing. The seeds off a hermie are always feminized. If it is good weed if not then smoke what you got let the rest rot....I just made THAT up. Good luck
  2. WWgrower

    Cutting off the Buds?

    As Darth Vader would say...Impressive!!!!!
  3. WWgrower

    Indications that curing went bad.

    Depending on the strain, some take up to a month to six months. If you keep airing them out 20 to 30 minutes a day. I usually notice total smell after a month usually.
  4. WWgrower

    Neighbours threatening police

    You need a herb dryer. Don't have the link but Panhead has a 40 buck herb dryer DIY, sounds like you could use it. Put it in your growroom you know the room that has a CARBON FILTER in it.
  5. WWgrower

    Masturbating on plants?

    I like the "In General" part. Never heard of the strain 4 weeks in flower, Thats the one I want!!!!
  6. WWgrower

    ph scale rip off

    My guess would be the batteries, If that doesn't get it , try asking where you bought about returning it for a new one or for the money back. Shouldn't go bad that quick but who know how it was handled before you got it.
  7. WWgrower

    ppm Confusion

    Your plants are doing great. It is using all the nutes you give it for blooming and getting rid of the old leafs and using the nutes to bloom. This is totally normal and happens all the time in flower. Nothing unusual about it.
  8. WWgrower

    My first hydro growth! 7 weeks old veg. w/pics

    Better put them into flower soon or you won't have room to grow. Those are going to overgrow your space and then your younger plant will suffer.
  9. WWgrower

    Can You Over Water Hydro?

    Wow, Stinkbud,NICE!!!!! Looked at your gallery nice work. What kind of light are you using for all those girls? Nice going.
  10. WWgrower

    BIG QUESTION please help!!!

    What do you mean "took a blow". Exactly what happened, how can we tell if it is fine if we don't even know what exactly happened?
  11. WWgrower

    Exhaust help please

    If you want advise, you need to fork over more info. Like what are you growing in? Size of this box? LIGHT? How many plants? How much you willing to invest. After you answer a few of these questions you will get some responces. Good luck!
  12. WWgrower

    Htg supply

    WELL, Did they fix it. Would like to know this is the first I have heard of negative reports on them! I am getting ready to order a flter from them.
  13. WWgrower

    overwatering rockwool

    I only use one line drip to each cube.
  14. WWgrower

    Easy ph secret

    First off bottled water is just tap water that myth that companies go out and find springs of spring water have been de-bunked years ago, do a little research and see. Second yeah perfect ph is 7.0 for the human body. If you find water and RO water to be much lower it is a flaw. Companies are...
  15. WWgrower

    Obama and Pot

    Low rider you must be making a joke right?? Ron Paul's campaign came to a uneventfull conclusion. His campaign was very flawed, His idea's would never work and would be extremely detremental to a healthy economy. I like what he said about pot but everything else was a little loopey. As the race...
  16. WWgrower

    Weed and Airport security

    What the hell is a VA JAY JAY. Never heard that before in my life!!!!LOL
  17. WWgrower

    Need help wiring fan and variable switch

    Why wouldn't you try a speedster speed controller on e-bay less than 20 bucks. Just look under router speed control. There sold for routers but work on any brush powered motor. And anything less than 15 amps. I'm getting 2.
  18. WWgrower

    Cheap & Simple venting??

    If you leave the door open. Make sure you block the window with something light proof. If there is a window.
  19. WWgrower

    Air Flow how offer and how long?

    You don't run ventalation, especially exhaust during co2. Maybe a aircooled hood as long as it is totally sealed!
  20. WWgrower

    light schedule and shit

    Well if it is a old wives tale it is getting dug up again. Have seen more than a few threads about this in one form or another. I'm interested! Have a hrvest comeing up next month.