damn, thats hella close. you dont get mildew or pest probs when they get big and are crowded together? Just wondering because I always thought they should be 6' apart. hmmm, food for thought. I'm transplanting into my garden today...
How far are your plants spaced apart? I was gonna do 6' but yours look a lot closer. last year i made the mistake of putting like 10 plants in a 10 x 10 garden.
i have the same pump, dont need a heater though cause its already 80 outside and will be in the 100s soon enough. ive never had any probs with the airstone but maybe i should look into the pvc, i like how evenly it distributes the bubbles.
I read this whole thread last night and I dont remember if you said the deminsions of the bed or not? how long is it? just wondering because it looks about the same size as mine maybe a tad longer and the same width. I was thinking I would only be able to fit 8 or 10 but after looking at yours...
I got a giant free bag of 0-18-0-23% calcium bonemeal and i was wondering if anyone knew any application rates for using it to flower? i cant find any good info online and I dont wanna buy anything else cause im broke as fuck. anyone out there use this stuff?
Thanks a lot guys and much love.
yeah, i wouldnt buy the clones or anything without knowing what they were, but for free i figured, fuck it. I just remembered another strains that I got that is supposed to be super good, its called purple elaphant, i'd never heard of it but the people at the club said it was the bombest shit...
My buddy I grow with that works at the club gave me a bunch of clones that i have never heard of and cant find any info on, they are purple snow, purple tragic(purple, trainwreck and magic i was told, never heard of magic), orange bud2, per-ponic. they also had shit called xxx and simper fi...
half pound total maybe, but you arent getting a half pound off each plant with lightng like that. just not enough lght intensity. i would try to get an ounce off each and be happy if you get any more than that. dont expect too much your first time.
my first grow i vegged 3months and had 4...
and by the way, i use guanos and know they are a wonderful fertilizer, everyone on the planet that grows bud knows that. but that still is not what he was asking.