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  1. LiEBE420

    It's All Bullsh*t

  2. LiEBE420

    Lurker comes out of the closet

    WELCOME! how was alaska??
  3. LiEBE420

    need some help please

    every plant is different but usually its about 2-3 months
  4. LiEBE420

    need some help please

    from california where the bud is legal and plentiful :) you should think about moving out here
  5. LiEBE420

    White spot

    oh no the famous white spot that brings upon death
  6. LiEBE420

    Seedling Stage Conclusion

    you are right at every point but just remember when trying to root a seed the only two factors that are important are it must be moist and it must be warm happy growing!:peace:
  7. LiEBE420

    need some help please

    where you from?
  8. LiEBE420

    how do i hot press my hash?

    hahahahaha :peace:
  9. LiEBE420

    need some help please

    yup there you go. i know in my area it doesn't turn 12/12 till september
  10. LiEBE420

    Marijuana and Insomnia

    shit dude it goes either way. its 7:38 AM for me in california and i still havent slept.... i have pretty bad insomnia. the only time i can sleep is if i smoke and if i dont smoke i dont sleep till 6 AM at the earliest. could also be because i always wake up at 1 PM lol :hump:
  11. LiEBE420

    need some help please

    hows that working out for you bringing it outside everyday? you should keep the schedule always 12/12 during flowering or you could end up with a hermi nice strain btw headband is bomb
  12. LiEBE420

    MYGIRLS --greenhouse for 2009~~GETTEN READY

    i'm a huge fan of greenhouses! probably the BEST way to grow. happy growing!:peace:
  13. LiEBE420

    Question for Oregon card holders

    do you have asthma?
  14. LiEBE420

    slow plants>2mnth old but only 5in

    next grow change up the slowrelease plant food. its not good for cannabis. i am 100 percent positive you are using a garbage cfl light bulb that should be put in a lamp if you really have to use cfls and you cant dish out cash for a good light try to get at least 4 of them there are...
  15. LiEBE420

    1-2 minute outage

    hahahhah glad you could sleep well:peace:
  16. LiEBE420

    Spider mites, White Fly & Alcohol

    hmm interesting. i know you can make organic pesticides involving garlic and jalepenos but maybe the alcohol is better?
  17. LiEBE420


    yup the way to speed up the process is by using a much better light. 1 cfl will not grow a plant happy growing!
  18. LiEBE420

    Who's Sick Of Obama Yet?

    dang you need to smoke some herb. obviously you dont smoke enough if you are this angered. i'm not trying to hate on you because thats not my game but holy shit grow up. you must be young. you want to see bushes fucking inbred retard face again?
  19. LiEBE420

    <<All Different Strains with pics + info>>

    very nice list of herbs and such. but i was checking out those seeds prices and holy shit. if people only knew how many seeds come in a plant yet alone 4.
  20. LiEBE420

    Doob's complete grow journal, got twins?

    hahaha i'll show you pics tomorrow. :)