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  1. G

    Reveg vs starting from seed

    good adjustment on the feeding, that's getting dialed in to the strain/pheno same deal myself(getting a little close for comfort here), the pheno(california orange) was heavier feeder than others i've run so hottened up the soil too
  2. G

    Reveg vs starting from seed

    my current reveg was kind of rough, it lingered in a miserable state for a long time finally, figured out that its root system wasn't happy, popped it, root pruned, and gave it fresh soil so it won't need any more nuting for a while
  3. G

    What to do? Small grow area

    an open bag of soil and rain is not a good combination, that is a very possible problem if water gets in, it can remove nutes, or concentrate them to the bottom of the bag, i have seen some posts on this being a trouble
  4. G

    What to do? Small grow area

    could be, but 2 gallons should be fine for a plant of this size
  5. G

    What to do? Small grow area

    i can guess, but it's very tough to make a good call from pics is your pot 1 gallon or less? i have foundsome plants to be very picky about pot size if your pot isn't large enough, they may slow down growing(a lot) and start to yellow off slowly down below but nute imbalances, PH troubles, salt...
  6. G

    What to do? Small grow area

    whoops, misunderstood - but yes, it's possible to flower/harvest/reveg and clone, i have done that myself
  7. G

    What to do? Small grow area

    you're not too far into flower, so revegging should happen fairly fast, probably will see some more roosters pop out but if you're going back to veg, those won't be a problem, and the numbers you see should tell how stable the genetics are
  8. G

    The True Hermaphrodite (perfect flower)

    i don't have any first hand info on this topic, just the 'normal' hermies i would guess these perfects would have fertile male pollen regular hermies give you pollen that will make feminized seeds, likely these would do the same i did see a pic posted of a large perfect hermie, what a freak
  9. G

    What to do? Small grow area

    this sounds like smooth running at the moment, white hairs are good things that may be a little more wattage than ideal for your space, but you can add gradually and watch your temps it's the temps that will normally limit things
  10. G

    CANADA To Ban All Personal Growing By 2012 WTF

    ^^^ - i do see some 'results' from that conference, Obama muttering about how he'd consider drug law changes, just not legalization i don't care what the fuck he calls it, just deal with reality, and do the right thing at the same time
  11. G

    Cfl closet grow sativa *poor man*

    actually, it's better to focus on the tops, but do it with the 'sides' of the cfl's the strongest light from a cfl is at its sides, so if you can position the cfl's to surround the top of the plant, you'll get better results this also brings the cfl's closer to the side buds for most plants...
  12. G

    Reveg vs starting from seed

    deja vu, doing exactly the same thing just mentioned, LSTing the revegged branches 1st time trying it this way, so far so good, but a ways to go
  13. G

    Dutch Passion- Blueberry...experiences or opinions?

    yeah, i forgot about the part where we smoke the product - but back in the day i'd smoke just about anything - MJ could be rare back then - :) still, there probably are the right food dyes, finding them could be a project, be surprised if someone hasn't tried this
  14. G

    Dutch Passion- Blueberry...experiences or opinions?

    this color stuff has triggered a memory, maybe weren't there these school science experiments where you could add food coloring to water and get some plant cutting in the water to absorb it? seem to remember something like that anyways, love the thread, the call of the blueberry is strong, kind...
  15. G

    What to do? Small grow area

    same things amplified describes it pretty well, more balls will probably sprout and more pistils but hold a good thought, sometimes the balls will fade out, never know for a given plant
  16. G

    What to do? Small grow area

    if it's a male, it probably won't have much smoking potential, but sounds more like a hermie it will become clear over the next few days
  17. G

    What to do? Small grow area

    well, you've got a hermie or a male, if you see pistils then it's a hermie in which case you can continue plucking the balls, but it can become a chore
  18. G

    What to do? Small grow area

    roosters are male flowers, when you see them for the 1st time they may look like seed pods pulling them off is what you want to do, were they at the base of the leaf stem?
  19. G

    What to do? Small grow area

    you may have a male, or a hermie, the seed looking things sound like roosters
  20. G

    Unmanned Grow Bot? I call it RCG... building a robot controlled by wifi to gro

    i have had the same thought to some degree, for a stealth setup it could be useful always looking for anything that could make growing a little safer