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  1. timsatx1

    Geminating seeds!

    Sorry for double posting.
  2. timsatx1

    Geminating seeds!

    Plamnt into soil and grow.
  3. timsatx1

    Geminating seeds!

    Plamnt into soil and grow.
  4. timsatx1

    what would u do???

    Plant them outside. Or sell them.
  5. timsatx1

    where are u ranked?!

    <---texas toker. Keepin those stats up.
  6. timsatx1

    18th Birthday coming up

    Oh jesus. Another one.
  7. timsatx1

    Paralyzed In Sleep

    I also confused this with lucid dreams.
  8. timsatx1

    Paralyzed In Sleep

    This used to happen to me often. And it was scary. People climbing down walls towards me and me unable to scream out. The last time it happened I actually believe I had an outta body experience during this. My body felt like it was spinning in circles and it lifted up and went and circled above...
  9. timsatx1

    i just wanna say

    Wtf? Okay.
  10. timsatx1

    my friends got in a fight last night haha

    Okay. People are strange.
  11. timsatx1


    I am NOT gay.
  12. timsatx1

    3 sun leafs and 3 top leafs on sprouting??

    Strange. Hopefully it'll be a monster.
  13. timsatx1

    How Are We Doin'?

    They look nice and healthy. What kinda light you using?
  14. timsatx1

    leaves slightly twisting

    I'd say it has to do with a heat issue.
  15. timsatx1

    What is your job?

    Yeah I actually love my job. Its the only job I've found that I can stay stoned all day and it won't affect the outcome. Ya know. I mean all we do is clean cars.
  16. timsatx1

    What is your job?

    Manage a car wash. Yes I know its lame.
  17. timsatx1

    What hps should i get For this?

    In my mind more light means more yeild. As long as you can keep your heat in check. You could veg them really long and have one or two big plants. That's the way I would do it. But who am I? Someone else I'm sure will say differently. Just wait.
  18. timsatx1

    Are any of these gd shrooms?

    Man don't eat that shit.
  19. timsatx1

    my battle with a 500 watt halogen............

    I think we got another one here boys. I'm sure you all know my opinion on kids growing in they're caretakers house. So I won't even say it.
  20. timsatx1

    What hps should i get For this?

    I would try to stick to a 400 watt for your setup.