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  1. t@intshredder

    WTF??Why cant I post my post in= RIU is Probable Cause! Informants and Cops will use

    You're posting this in the wrong forum, that's why the last one got closed. Go post over in "Toke N Talk". :peace:
  2. t@intshredder

    RIU is Probable Cause! Informants and Cops will use this Against You!

    OH SCRIZ!!! And of course because I post on here you'll have probable cause to search my house??? I've learned so much from this thread! :lol: :lol:
  3. t@intshredder

    RIU is Probable Cause! Informants and Cops will use this Against You!

    HOW DARE YOU POST MY IP ADDRESS FOR ALL TO SEE!!! lol :clap: :clap: :clap: :-P :-P :-P
  4. t@intshredder

    RIU is Probable Cause! Informants and Cops will use this Against You!

    Or this: <script> // gets ip address "DO NOT DELETE" var IPAddress = '<!--#echo var="REMOTE_ADDR"-->'; // title bar display, delete if you do not want the IP in the title bar document.write("<title>Title Bar Display, Your IP is: "+IPAddress+"</title>"); // status bar display, delete if you do...
  5. t@intshredder

    RIU is Probable Cause! Informants and Cops will use this Against You!

    STOP YELLING! You're making my eyes hurt ...:lol: I read what you posted, but you don't understand what was going on. All that person did was post a bit of javascript code which revealed your ip address and ISP only to you. No one else would have seen your information. Everyone else who viewed...
  6. t@intshredder

    RIU is Probable Cause! Informants and Cops will use this Against You!

    This thread is hilarious. No one can get your IP address from this site. Not saying that it's not possible but it's very, very difficult. :peace:
  7. t@intshredder

    ,.:"'cfl crushes all other lights'":.,

    Where are these "other" lights that your CFLs are "crushing"? :lol:
  8. t@intshredder

    Site And Server Issues Today?

    Avira used to be a nice program, from what I can recall. Now there's a huge popup that shows up when you scan and is apparently trying to charge people to remove viruses. I've read of people having similar problems on other forums. Solution: use AVG Free ( It's completely...
  9. t@intshredder

    so whats your current favorite food? lets see some pics!!

    Yeah they've been banning it in select cities in the US. The sad thing is ...none of these politicians who vote to ban it have actually been to Hudson Valley Foie Gras (the only foie gras farm in the US). The ducks are clearly in no distress from the feedings. In fact, they walk right up to the...
  10. t@intshredder

    Site And Server Issues Today?

    Nah, Avira and AVG free are completely different programs. AVG Free is legit freeware.
  11. t@intshredder

    Site And Server Issues Today?

    Fletch it doesn't sound like your reading what everyone else is saying. It installs completely fine but when it finds a virus it asks you for billing information in order to remove it. :peace:
  12. t@intshredder

    Site And Server Issues Today?

    Just use AVG Free ( It is legitimately free and will never ask you for billing information. :peace: I too tried Avira and it wanted billing info to remove viruses. What a scam!
  13. t@intshredder

    so whats your current favorite food? lets see some pics!!

    Foie gras! With anything, really or cold preperation.
  14. t@intshredder

    Turning off my Account

    Hey what happened to the OP's avatar of some woman getting DP'd? That was grosslarious!
  15. t@intshredder

    homamade highs?

    You could lick a frog's butthole. :peace:
  16. t@intshredder

    Any vegitarians here

    Agreed and agreed. :-P That reminds me ...I gotta schedule an appointment with Dr. Jellyfinger, M.D.
  17. t@intshredder

    Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?

    That's why they call it FIM. :lol: Try topping next time. It's more fool-proof. ;)