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  1. Space Angel

    Racconns Destroy Seedlings!

    krazy, good for nothing koons!!!!
  2. Space Angel

    Could it be done?

    yeah, I just planted some bag seed and it'll net me some bud. go for it now!!!!!
  3. Space Angel

    Suspected Male Plant

    if you see little ball, then shit-can it, why wait?
  4. Space Angel

    Racconns Destroy Seedlings!

    any animal destoying my crop is Marked for Death, personally , karma don't get it for me when my weed is in danger, besides it's open season on coons here, does that mean they shouldn't be hunted?
  5. Space Angel

    Do I need to flush this plant?

    I second that!
  6. Space Angel

    Racconns Destroy Seedlings!

    they're attracted to some types of fertilizers
  7. Space Angel

    Racconns Destroy Seedlings!

    yeah, but drastic measures call for you to do what must be done. fox piss is another option, but bullets are cheaper!
  8. Space Angel

    tiger bloom?

    that's what I'm talling about..... thanks RP!
  9. Space Angel

    Racconns Destroy Seedlings!

    it would be what i would do!
  10. Space Angel

    How long till harvest in SW PA?

    jonboy's guess-tamate is about as close as they come.
  11. Space Angel

    tiger bloom?

    yeah, but for hydro.
  12. Space Angel

    tiger bloom?

    what's the conversion of tiger bloom for hydro to soil? anyone got an idea? thanks to all who reply.
  13. Space Angel

    Night Hike of Doom – why watering at night sucks ass

    damn, was hoping to close at 100 even. oh well, this is what they call posting 101. see ya goat and thanks for sharing such a great story. +reps to ya!!! Space!
  14. Space Angel

    Rollercoaster Weather

    Im in n.e. ohio, not to far from you guys and mine are looking great. all in serious bud. we pretty much had the same weather pattern, so I'm saying not to worry too much. good luck!
  15. Space Angel

    pre flowering outdoors

    it's p. or k. , I can't remember either.
  16. Space Angel

    some bagseed 12 weeks later

    ok, they didn't look that tall in the pic
  17. Space Angel

    Outdoor Furtilizer for Monster

    lets see it and then we'll be able to tell you>
  18. Space Angel

    some bagseed 12 weeks later

    little bit stretched,but other wise look ok. r u feeding them?
  19. Space Angel

    holes and rips in my leaves

    just regular dish soap. a couple of drops in a squirter bottle. don't get crazy with the detergent
  20. Space Angel

    Found a MOnster!!!

    don't judge them to harshly. they're stoners!!!!!!!!lol!