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  1. jimbizzzale67123

    Nirvana Bubblelicious Waterfarm Scrog in a Secret Jardin Tent 600 Watts

    That sucks bro, get that mold out of there.
  2. jimbizzzale67123

    SCROG OFF!! New school vs old school. Sealed rooms- 12 plants.

    So you dont like 14g buds you like 7-10g buds. Ok lady Im sure your growing like you say you are. Try not to get your buddy busted by posting his grow on youtube.
  3. jimbizzzale67123

    SCROG OFF!! New school vs old school. Sealed rooms- 12 plants.

    Well as stated before I grow for myself, why you dont get that is beyond me. Im not selling so I am not going to bitch at myself about stems, jesus christ whats your deal?
  4. jimbizzzale67123

    SCROG OFF!! New school vs old school. Sealed rooms- 12 plants. Yes vaporizing after this kind of a surgery is probably a great Idea.
  5. jimbizzzale67123

    SCROG OFF!! New school vs old school. Sealed rooms- 12 plants.

    I had a tonsillectomy Wednesday, and you are telling me to vaporize. IF my throat starts to bleed I have to go to the hospital tonsillectomy is not a simple surgery especially when you are an adult. I dont think food matters right now. Why should I slow down, I didnt even know I was...
  6. jimbizzzale67123

    SCROG OFF!! New school vs old school. Sealed rooms- 12 plants.

    And FYI my one plant had around 40 tops some were just a few grams but other were 14g anyways I got over 10 ounces off of one plant my first go at hydro with a 400w light. I expect even more next time, I thinks its hysterical you say 14g is great but your ideal nugs are 7-10g I mean what are...
  7. jimbizzzale67123

    SCROG OFF!! New school vs old school. Sealed rooms- 12 plants.

    And if you are a commercial grower, making a youtube channel and posting your operation probably isn't a good idea. But I dont go around telling people what to do.
  8. jimbizzzale67123

    SCROG OFF!! New school vs old school. Sealed rooms- 12 plants.

    And what you are doing is nothing new, so I really wouldn't feel that special inside. There are some really good growers here and they dont go around telling everyone they are doing it wrong.
  9. jimbizzzale67123

    SCROG OFF!! New school vs old school. Sealed rooms- 12 plants.

    Thats great, I dont want to go to jail so I grow one plant at a time with a scrog and I get way more then i ever got before when I LST. I must be doing something wrong, maybe I should look at more pictures and say thats what I want and it will grow like that.........
  10. jimbizzzale67123

    SCROG OFF!! New school vs old school. Sealed rooms- 12 plants.

    I think I will listen to my DR. who went to medical school. You assume a awful lot about people I am guessing you are pretty young?
  11. jimbizzzale67123

    SCROG OFF!! New school vs old school. Sealed rooms- 12 plants. Here is my journal have fun, I dont bullshit anyone. Its not white widow its coletrain ignore the title. And I had a few buds that were 14grams is that big enough for you. I also dont grow just for fun, I...
  12. jimbizzzale67123

    SCROG OFF!! New school vs old school. Sealed rooms- 12 plants.

    Yea im not good with pain killers, and im not able to smoke. I feel like crap I just took 30 min to eat a little cup of yogurt I feel pathetic.
  13. jimbizzzale67123

    SCROG OFF!! New school vs old school. Sealed rooms- 12 plants.

    We dont misinform people around here. I use to LST with plants in soil, and I would get maybe a ounce per plant. Now I scrog in hydro with one plant and I got over 10 ounces. And if it were as easy as looking at a picture and growing exactly like that, everyone would be a expert. Something...
  14. jimbizzzale67123

    Nirvana Bubblelicious Waterfarm Scrog in a Secret Jardin Tent 600 Watts

    I would but I can barley swallow my own saliva at this point, eating a little cup of yogurt is like a 30min cage fight of pain. My Dr. kept going on and on about how bad it was going to be, I thought the issues I had with my tonsils in the past would have toughened me up. No such luck, I have...
  15. jimbizzzale67123

    SCROG OFF!! New school vs old school. Sealed rooms- 12 plants.

    I wasn't impressed by his grow looks like a out break of botrytis waiting to happen. I would get some more fans in there stat or at least give them a little breathing room. Your growing bud not sneaking Mexicans over the border in a RV closet.
  16. jimbizzzale67123

    SCROG OFF!! New school vs old school. Sealed rooms- 12 plants.

    I agree that picture gives me the creeps, every time I see it im like methhead.
  17. jimbizzzale67123

    Kitty's Commercial Grow Op-Bigger & Better Every Day!

    Kitty is this your brother, damn the whole kitty family is up in this bitch.
  18. jimbizzzale67123

    Kitty's Commercial Grow Op-Bigger & Better Every Day!

    LOL, thats a funny way to create an analogy for Phenotypes. They are the different characteristics of anything, you can get short/tall plants from the same seeds they are just different phenotypes. So pick your favorite and clone the shit out of it.
  19. jimbizzzale67123

    SCROG OFF!! New school vs old school. Sealed rooms- 12 plants.

    Im not secret fan, I grow too so I just know whats up. Especially since I used to grow in dirt and wont ever go back.