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  1. D

    the attitude and credit cards

    I sent a money order from the states Monday----we'll see how fast they are----i sent the mo with track so I will know the day it gets there-----then will see how fast they are. I'll post when the letter hits.(my guess is Mon the 7th---what you think??? If they are fast I will have the seeds in...
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    Purple Sour Diesel Kush

    Sour diesel go's for 450-600 a zip out here.
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    Mites or Aphids? (Pics)

    Gnats love neem-------theywill drink that shit like a keg at a frat party-----go with gnatol or gonats or azatrol
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    You tell me... Whats the best PURPLE strain to grow indoors ???

    Got some seeds on the way------purplewreck----purple urkel x trainwreck--anyone have any exper. with the cross?----I have tried the trainwreck at it was very strong but the high was really short---Haven't tried the urkel yet.
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    The gnats aren't that big of a problem but they can multiply really fast and get out of control----I use to use the yellow sticky pads by"seabrite labs" but I switched to GOGNATS-----I mix a tablespoon and a half in with my humidifier water and I haven't had a problem since---no more sticky...
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    The Attitude Seed-bank Co.

    just a bill?????????? credit card or what? thats sucks-----did you send them an email>?????????
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    Dr. Hornby's Big Bud

    Interesting posts----My opinion and stand on the subject of nutes comes from over 20 years of growing the plant we all love---I agree with PanHead on the fact that you should know about NPK and the ratio's and also all macro and micro elements. You should also know how they work and what they do...
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    The Attitude Seed-bank Co.

    Put an order in today-----Should get to them Fri/Mon of next week(we'll see) I did the guaranteed track and trace----If they are really good and fast at shipping, IT will be here 2 weeks from today(week there/week back)----I sent the package with track so I should be able to tell when it hits...
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    fdd's flavor of the week

    Had a bag go bad on me once---no visible mold or mildew but the shit just smelled like a old wet carpet you'd find down in someones dingy basement----I know the smell your talking about brother----not good-----:spew:
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    The Attitude Seed-bank Co.

    They have a guaranteed shipping--------pay the small charge----no worries mate.
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    ***Official Nutrients Thread***

    You could go with alaskan fish fert for veg and bloom-----you can get the stuff almost anywhere----you could use manure outdoors but would still have to add a few things at different stages of growth. If you can afford it---go with the alaskan.
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    ***Official Nutrients Thread***

    Can you afford 10.00 dollars or less?
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    Willow bark extract

    Thanks for the correct info----I haven't used the aspirin trick in many years----easy to forget all the tricks------thanks again +reps
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    The guys at my local hydroshop are growers who know how to take care of there people---If they dont have what I need they will order it for me and have it at the store in 4 days----I help them with alot of questions and research and they give me a great deal-----it all works out-----------Ask...
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    advanced nutrients

    I've used it by itself and with other AN nutes------YOU can run the tea by itself in the veg cycle but you will need to add other good stuff in the bloom phase.
  16. D

    Could i put an Algae Sucker Fish, (Tilapia) in my DWC bubbler?

    Give it a try----the fish will give off nutes so just try it with the most mild nute ppm you can get away with---------if it doesn't work-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------do you have a frying pan???????????:mrgreen:
  17. D

    Dr. Hornby's Big Bud

    Go with greenfuse bloom booster/or B'CUSS bloom booster(use to be one company---greenfuse is more concentrated----------The AN BIG BUD is a great product in the flowering stages it stims bud sites but not really a flowering stage starter---go with above products if you have assess----So is AN's...
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    Yup "another" electric bill thread

    FYI-there is a interface for your lights called "HID SMART"---you can run anywhere from 1 to 12 lights on the HIDS6, 1 to 20 lights on the HID10, and 1 to 40 lights on the HID20.(the prices are 800/1200/1400)---The cool features-----There are two great features that stand out-----1. The units...
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    Organic Snafu.... Advice For Next Time?

    The dolomite lime not only raises and buffers the soil-it also stabilizes the ph to 7-----if you flush with 6.0 to 6.3 your runoff should be 6.6 to 7 if you have the correct ratio of DL in your soil mix. As the dolomite lime is used up and flushed out you will notice a drop in ph when testing...
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    Willow bark extract

    the ratio is probably wrong but it's a very minute amount if I remember correctly-----The scorpion juice is the best proven way to SAR(in a nutshell----toughen-up your plants)