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  1. ru8fru

    Bag o' Schwag, first grow, closet CFL setup

    thats awesome news!!! tell him to get some water in them, dont have him transplant tho, do that yourself... wish there was pics, but sunday isnt to far... is it? :D
  2. ru8fru

    60 Plant Grow Setup

    ^^^ vouchhh
  3. ru8fru

    DNA Genetics-Cinderella 99

    photobucket... just upload them into any image based hosting website, then post the image code onto your thread :D
  4. ru8fru

    i need help seriously!!!!

    Yeah she def. aint doing bad. Just hungry :D
  5. ru8fru

    i need help seriously!!!!

    It needs nutes homie, badly.
  6. ru8fru

    Bag o' Schwag, first grow, closet CFL setup

    If I remember right... I got about this much growth in about a week in a half or so... It ranges. The pics are from youngest to oldest obviously. It's been awhile though.
  7. ru8fru

    Bag o' Schwag, first grow, closet CFL setup

    aight let us know, damn sunday, must be hard.
  8. ru8fru

    G13 armogeddon, red deisel, hollands hope

    Not at all
  9. ru8fru

    Bag o' Schwag, first grow, closet CFL setup

    lmao... When you going to be back?
  10. ru8fru

    G13 armogeddon, red deisel, hollands hope

    Lol you guys are on the opposite coast :( oh well :joint:
  11. ru8fru

    Bag o' Schwag, first grow, closet CFL setup

    they will be.
  12. ru8fru

    First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

    Thanks big, I hope so to. You got a journal going?
  13. ru8fru

    First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

    yeah... I just dont wanna harvest to early... Im figuring about 6-9 weeks of flowering, and today is about week 6.5... so we will see.. Thoughts on yeild?
  14. ru8fru

    G13 armogeddon, red deisel, hollands hope

    lmao, ill come!
  15. ru8fru

    First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

    How are your trichs looking? Its hard for me to detect. Thinking about waiting till next friday to start flushing... then flush for two weeks... then give them three days of nothing (to dry up) and then harvest on 4/20... Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions? Also, anybody have any idea what Im going to...
  16. ru8fru

    First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

    I know I cant effin wait... thinking about one more week, then starting the flush process. Thoughts? How about guess on yield? Thanks the purple is neat, its starting from the lower buds and rising quickly, it wasnt there 2 days ago! :D and only me and my g/f cbraaszsy, oh and all of you :joint:
  17. ru8fru

    Bag o' Schwag, first grow, closet CFL setup

    Well It wont be like what you smoked, most likely a different pheno. Youll probably get a couple herms too... but the ladies you do end up with will rock your world, guaranteed. Got some new pics up on my thread, their just as crappy seeds as yours so peep them out. Genetics do play a huge roll...
  18. ru8fru

    First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

    Hell ya Im excited!!! Even more excited that one of my plants the buds are starting to turn purple... Got some pics for everyone, sorry for the random blurriness, my camera was really tweaking out. Ideas on when to start flushing? And how the bud looks? :weed:
  19. ru8fru

    Bag o' Schwag, first grow, closet CFL setup

    Honestly most homegrown is way better than the majority of the street shit... Depending on how you grow it. You know alot already and are doing a great job so I have no doubt that your plants will turn into some serious Fire... My seeds were from just different random bags, some werent even that...
  20. ru8fru

    Bag o' Schwag, first grow, closet CFL setup

    lmao... well that looks like a pretty solid shopping list... and you really dont have to worry about side lights yet... not really until mid veg...