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  1. Jerry Garcia

    Post your Favorite Strain!! +Rep

    Strain: Barney's LSD Reason: It's awesome. Great smell, great taste, great high, short/fast flowering time, very crystally buds. Con: My pheno is very leggy and likes to grow tall. Can be easily dealt with though...
  2. Jerry Garcia

    Blue Cheese, PPP, Thai SS...Jerry's Second Grow

    Right now I have 16 (too many) flowering, 5 recently rooted clones in veg and 5 more that have just rooted in the last couple days or are looking like they will root very soon. I've got 2 LSD clones, 2 chiesel, 1 trainwreck, 1 sleestackxskunk, 1 Og18xskunk, 1 power kush, and 2 JTR's. So 26...
  3. Jerry Garcia

    Blue Cheese, PPP, Thai SS...Jerry's Second Grow

    Here are some fresh pics I took this morning @ 6am. We'll start with a trainwreck...flowering about 2 weeks and starting to show pistils. You can see she has been supercropped and then tied down. I'm really digging the tying down thing these days... Next, the confirmed JTR female. Little...
  4. Jerry Garcia

    Do I need to flush?

    Have you ever grown out unflushed bud and found this to be the result, or did you just hear someone else say it and think it must be true? Why does the plant need to "use all the nutrients in the soil"? When a plant grows in the wild, or even in a hold dug in someone's backyard, does it use up...
  5. Jerry Garcia

    Blue Cheese, PPP, Thai SS...Jerry's Second Grow

    Hey farmer, thanks for dropping by. The LSD has a very distinct smell...but it's pretty hard to describe. It's not a "strong" odor in the sense that it will stink up a 100ft radius around your house, but when you touch it or smoke you immediately recognize the smell. I would recommend a...
  6. Jerry Garcia

    Blueberry, Sharksbreath, LSD, Kushberry and Red Dragon 600W Homemade Cabinet Grow

    The auxins from the removed top will shift to the next lowest 2 branches, causing them to become smaller "tops" themselves. It's no different than topping anywhere else on the plant really...
  7. Jerry Garcia

    Party Cup Competition

    Looks more like too much nutes than heat stress to me, but like Don said it's probably a combo thing. I always find heat-stressed plants tend to "taco" and curl upwards where overnuted plants (sometimes only slightly overnuted) tend to "claw" and curl down. Not looking that bad though...:leaf:
  8. Jerry Garcia

    Blue Cheese, PPP, Thai SS...Jerry's Second Grow

    The pots are 7"x7"x9" I think...I've measured them so many damn times but can never remember (blame it on the bubble hash laced LSD I suppose...) These girls have been flowering for about a month now I think. I'll do some digging and try to find out when exactly I moved them over. Thanks...
  9. Jerry Garcia

    molasses to use or not to use

    Unsulphured blackstrap molasses is what you want to use. available at most grocery stores. I use it...not sure if it really does anything...but I use organics so the added carbohydrates help feed the microorganisms... My buds always come out tasty too. So its your call really. Maybe try it...
  10. Jerry Garcia

    Blue Cheese, PPP, Thai SS...Jerry's Second Grow

    I took this pics like 4 or 5 days ago when I was watering and forgot to post them up...whoops. I was in a hurry and just snapped these real quick and totally forgot. Group shot...Blue Widow, LSD, Chiesel, LSD (from left to right) LSD with lots of budsites. Supercropping really opened this...
  11. Jerry Garcia

    Blueberry, Sharksbreath, LSD, Kushberry and Red Dragon 600W Homemade Cabinet Grow

    I'm smoking a morning bowl of it right now as a matter of fact...I love it! It's got a great taste, smell, appearance, high... My pheno does like to grow tall. I topped and supercropped the shit out of it this time, and so far it has responded quite well. I think tying this strain down (LST...
  12. Jerry Garcia

    Do I need to flush?

    I just wanted to bump this post, because it really exemplifies the type of person we're dealing with here. Better flush away all those "sugar starches, nitrogen, chlorophyll trapped in your leaves," especially if you're smoking those leaves. thebeerstalkin just reads this BS on another thread...
  13. Jerry Garcia

    Do I need to flush?

    What exactly is that supposed to mean? It doesn't matter how organic you think I am. And where did you hear you can't be organic and water in nutrients? Have you ever heard of organic tea? I don't ONLY water in nutrients either. But I don't recall this thread being about what I use... What...
  14. Jerry Garcia

    Do I need to flush?

    1) Not everyone knows "nitrogen puts green in your leaves." 2) It isn't about what everyone "should" know. 3) Nitrogen isn't needed in the last part of the cycle? Where did you learn that? I'm pretty sure it's a MACRONUTRIENT for a the plant needs it all the time. 4) "After...
  15. Jerry Garcia

    Blue Cheese, PPP, Thai SS...Jerry's Second Grow

    I haven't heard much about the sour cream...I'm sure its good though. At the moment I would say PPP isn't one of my favorites to smoke...I much prefer the LSD, Chiesel and Blue Cheese. But as far as cultivation goes it is definitely one of my favorites there...leaves turn nice colors, tight...
  16. Jerry Garcia

    Trimming all leaves night before a harvest?

    WHEN THE LIGHTS GO OUT By Keith Roberto and Brandon Mathews Everyone knows that plants need light for photosynthesis. What they don’t know is that plants need darkness, too! But why? Are they trying to get a restful sleep for a busy day of photosynthesis? Not many people try to grow plants in...
  17. Jerry Garcia

    Open Thread for Attitude Xmas DNA/skunk Beans

    I see. And I didn't really think much about who would be stocking the strain...just who won the competition. Should be good anyway...
  18. Jerry Garcia

    Open Thread for Attitude Xmas DNA/skunk Beans

    I was totally unaware that OG18 x Skunk came in 2nd in the Indica Cup this year...that is according to attitude's "Cup winners" page...
  19. Jerry Garcia

    attitude giving away 3 greenhouse strains

    In a cool, dry, dark place.:bigjoint:
  20. Jerry Garcia

    BMO nutrient use questions

    Thanks for that. I use BMO and grow better buds than you could probably imagine. So please stop telling other people bad information. To the OP, whenever you up-pot into fresh soil, you have to account for the nutrients already present. I would give a diluted nutrient feeding in the first...