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  1. loke

    What is wrong with kids these days?

    That is most depraved but considering the area I'm not surprised. There's a lot of nasty ass shit in Fresno.
  2. loke

    Have you ever found weed?

    Aha, yeah I found a fat assed blunt in the corner pocket of a pool table I got second hand one time. Stuff tasted like pooltable, I can't explain it sufice it to say though it was nasty I still got hella high off that sht at a time when I was dry. Cool story@OP Smoke on
  3. loke

    me and my dad just met CLINT EASTWOOD

    Nah, I'll just share his jetstream. Like we all should; there's nothing stopping any of us from reaching for the stars. Love, energy and peace to all.
  4. loke

    I plan too, thank you!

    I plan too, thank you!
  5. loke

    me and my dad just met CLINT EASTWOOD

    That's neat dude, I wouldn't mind meeting him myself someday.
  6. loke

    Bump If You're Baked!

    I'm gonna do a dry bump right now because in a few seconds I'll be too baked as fuck. Lol
  7. loke

    People who cant hold their weed.

    *sigh* I absolutly Hate smoking with people who are lightweights. I prefer to toke up with hardcore potheads.
  8. loke

    SEX or SENSI..if you could have just 1

    Weed, I'd definitly choose Weed over sex any day, Over any Babe. I've had some universe shattering Sex before but nothing compairs to the Sustained euphoria of a strong strain.
  9. loke

    Are all Hippies the same?

    I think these days most hardcore Hippies are homeless or live up in the mountains, they are generally burnt out Trippers and drugys who have bad hygene and sometimes have intersting stories to tell.
  10. loke

    what to do while high? suggestions?

    I'll usually Cruise around in my 1966 VW Van playing music and blazing and/or go to the Skate park and watch n talk while my friends smoke all my weed (lol) and I like to watch Star Trek alone and smoke n think about space n shit... This thread reminds me that I need to mix it up a bit...
  11. loke

    the what are you smoking now thread

    Your right, my comments were purely infantile and immature (and violated the site rules), I appologize. Peace out and smoke on. :)
  12. loke

    the what are you smoking now thread

    lol Who the fuck are you talking for everyone? You ain't riu's spokesperson, you obviously misinterpreted my prideful passion of achievment. Don't tell me when and where to say shit, ill flick this burning weed cherry right at your face with my pipe biotch NO ONE controls me.
  13. loke

    the what are you smoking now thread

    I'm smoking some random (high quality) grow gone good for once, I've been previously unsuccessful at growing but thanks to RIU I'm sailing the clouds. So fuck you guys who don't like me here, I'm actually researching and studying and making this site work unlike some of you disenchanted...
  14. loke

    What do you feel makes RIU or RUI . . .

    I dunno, I kinda like RUI, Roll Up IT baby!!! Hehe
  15. loke

    What do you feel makes RIU or RUI . . .

    I think most importantly there are a lot of sexy people here on RIU, hence all of the "hottest" threads and I also think there is a nice balance of dynamic indifference i.e asshole to friendly ratio. It just seems to work....
  16. loke

    favorite tv shows

    &#8226; Cash Cab &#8226; Weeds &#8226; King of the Hill &#8226; Squidbillies &#8226; ATHF &#8226; Xzaviar Renegade Angel &#8226; Mythbusters &#8226; Family Guy &#8226; Spongebob &#8226; 90's Nick cartoons <----Da bomb
  17. loke

    We All Worry Too Much

    Agreed, Most limitations we create for ourselves and the most effective way to conqure your challenges is to loosin the clutches of your worried mind. When I was doing gymnastics recreationally I noticed that the more I let my mind clutter my gentle concentration, the worse I did. You just...
  18. loke

    need a good stoned movie to watch fast.....

    While your in the buisness of blocking may I formally request that you block me aswell because I can't and simply won't live up to ANYONES social requirements at a website for stoners and toke n talkers. Your taking things wayyy too seriously dude, you just need to chill out dude.
  19. loke

    Women Smoking Ciggarettes - The Big Turnoff

    No, to me it's not a turn off, in fact it can make a lady seem classy to me if she has refined manerisms, when a lady smokes just right it can be a real sexy turn on; interesting enough, as my friend professor pointed out, Cigs were originally intended for Women as an alternative to the 'Mens...
  20. loke

    3 Word Story

    The Puzzlemaker's apiphany