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  1. loke

    need a good stoned movie to watch fast.....

    Those are all great ones but I'd have to say the movie 'Saving Grace' is a good quick British Stoner film.
  2. loke

    Any California Growers?

    I was damn it, but not anymore as my city (not LA) has just banned cult with a 5-0 vote. I guess I'll just have to keep my Buds with friends and Family in nearby towns. I'm sad that i'm forced to put all these people in danger of my wrathful smackdown if something goes wrong with my plants.
  3. loke

    Bump If You're Baked!

    I'm baked az and playing my Keyboard, I gotta cake with a synth, it's pretty sweet. I'm thinking about makin it big with something I got you know guys, fuck this spinning in place, I want the books, the movies, the music already god damn it. I need to learn how to stand tall though you know...
  4. loke

    In your opinion, is Pot a negative word?

    .......weird, I just realized that I've never actually said the word 'Pot' vocally before but I have 'typed' it on numerous occasions. As for the label 'Pothead', I say tht all the damn time. It really depends of the context but IMHO I don't think it's inherently negative to refer to weed as...
  5. loke

    Pot Perks and Pleasures

    Yeah as expected I'm really quite high right now and I was just smokin n thinkin about the pleasures of being in the Marijuana community. It's so much fun going to different places to pick out pipes and different parts for them. It's a blast to learn how to grow weed and then smoke your own...
  6. loke

    Bump If You're Baked!

    * BUMP, Bakin off some strong street acquired chronic mixed with some dispensary bought Purple Kush. yeah its takin me way too long to write this so yeah im baked as fuck. Smoke on
  7. loke

    Think You Have Big Balls?

    Wohh OMG that's sweet man. I wanna do that. Too bad I'm not rich, those base jumpers have some bank. I would most definitely try that If I was practiced enough. Thanks for sharing this........
  8. loke

    Why Do You Get Paranoid Smoking Weed?

    Really? I thought It's a well known fact that Dealers often employ shady tactics to bulk up their product. Isn't it true that often times weed newbies will experience Paranoia too? Without ever givin the chance to abuse Marijuana?
  9. loke

    Tokin outside vs inside

    I like smoking outside but it's more comfortable to smoke indoors. It's even better when you mix it up and smoke (Hotbox) in a vehicle. We just found out that my VW Van Hotboxes extremely well. I guess Hippies had the right idea. Lol
  10. loke

    Why Do You Get Paranoid Smoking Weed?

    Yeah, Weed induced paranoia, I believe it has something to do with your subconscious overanalyzing a situation with an unfiltered imagination which Marijuana is known to enhance. The trick is to change the subject in your mind right at the first sign of Paranoid thought. Don't allow your weed...
  11. loke

    Games take more skill than sports?

    While I do agree that Video Gaming takes a great deal of skill to perfect, from personal experience there is no greater skill level than Acrobatics and The Sport of Gymnastics. There is no greater challenger than the force of gravity. Gymnastics WINS!
  12. loke

    Bump If You're Baked!

    I'm house/babysitting my brothers kids for a few weeks. Omfg the monsters are wild feral rugrats that absolutely refuse to listen, they don't speak 'directionese'' or 'listenese', they only speak 'what ever they want with ease -ese' damn spoiled little adorable redeaming quality milk suckin...
  13. loke


    Ahaha roflmao (<- that doesn't do justice to how long I actually laffed at this post) been at war with the moon, aha that's cute. Well I say (speaking as the resident thinktank workin, know it all theoretical tranny weirdo) to hell with the man in the moon hez been raping our planets woman...
  14. loke

    Why have more kids?

    I completely agree. My friend (whom is one of the people who WILL remain NAMELESS!) was telling me that if the rate of hunan procreation stays stedy, in 750 years there is only going to be 10 feet for every individual on Earth. That is just unacceptable IMO......TEN feet! Think about it.....
  15. loke

    Why have more kids?

    I just wanted to thank everyone for their responses before I forget. It gives me a lot to research and think about and I'm sorry that a certain poster had to embarrass themselves in order to get their ignorant point accross.
  16. loke

    Why have more kids?

    I love kids, I don't have any children myself but Ive previously coached childrens sports for 10 years and I still can't understand why the Human population is growing out of control. I know it's a natural process which takes place weather you like it or not but I also know for a fact that there...
  17. loke

    how high can you get

    Excuse my Strain stupidity but may I ask you what this Strain 'Betazoid' is (indica or sativa)? And does it highten your empathic senses?(geeky LOL!) <--a little Star Trek humor there. Mmm all these strains sound good in this thread.
  18. loke

    Whatcha burning

    I'm burnin some Trainwreck, Cali chronic and OG Kush. I was gonna get some Deisel but I didn't have enough money.
  19. loke

    what did you want to be when you were a kid?

    I wanted to be a mural artist or a cirque du cele acrobat, I actually worked 15 years towards the latter but it was all just a waste of time. .....Might still work as an artist though....either that or start a (government funded of course :p) Think Tank towards the prohibition of Marijuana.
  20. loke

    how high can you get

    Haha, cool story. I know what you mean about hearing your heart beat, that shit freaks me out but I just try to get used to the sensation (hearing it beat actually rarely happens.) and just keep smoking. What gets me to stop toking up is the gradual inability to hold a pipe or light my...