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  1. bikeskill

    how tall are they i grew three plants and used 330 watts cfl, more light wont hurt

    how tall are they i grew three plants and used 330 watts cfl, more light wont hurt
  2. bikeskill

    dwc question

    dwc does not "flood"
  3. bikeskill

    Hydro system please help!!!!

    Pushing it!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. bikeskill

    Stealth 11,200 lumen CFL 2 Plant Grow Seed to Smoke.

    sounds over watered how tall r they
  5. bikeskill

    Is distilled water organic?

    yep no clorine calcium or lead
  6. bikeskill

    breeding seeds?help

    if you catch the male early and kill it after you get pollen it wont pollenate it others you might get a seed or two on the other plants . now if all the flowers are open and it is windy you will have seeds everywhere(oh ya fans arent outdoors)
  7. bikeskill

    breeding seeds?help

    put a flowering male branch in a bag, seal it and shake. turn off all fans put the bag over the female branch and shake
  8. bikeskill

    How Do I Grow Opium?

    well those seeds didnt sprout for me. i did nothing wrong potheadsmoker you just got cum in your eye and cant read what i type "i killed them to grow weed" (last pic i got of them)
  9. bikeskill

    Is distilled water organic?

    ok h2o is inorganic because it has no carbon atoms
  10. bikeskill

    Stealth 11,200 lumen CFL 2 Plant Grow Seed to Smoke.

    look over or under watered not sure
  11. bikeskill

    Is distilled water organic?

    R u serious?
  12. bikeskill

    How Do I Grow Opium?

    no they wont grow they have been treated
  13. bikeskill

    How Do I Grow Opium?

    first try in hydro killed them to grow weed second try they turned purple and died after a month in dirt, yes yeild is low but it is a good experment (takes about as long as weed start to finsh)
  14. bikeskill

    Bump If You're Baked!

    honey oil bummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmp
  15. bikeskill

    DWC or Hydroton, exhaust and lights

    NICE buds. I have herd that the more you clone the "worse" it gets. i know people that have clone 5 generations with nothing wrong, and Ive read that some people have cloned 20+ generations. So i don't think it matters how "old" they are.
  16. bikeskill

    Bump If You're Baked!

    bumpity bump
  17. bikeskill

    Bump If You're Baked!

    funny vid..............................................pmub.bump
  18. bikeskill

    DWC or Hydroton, exhaust and lights

    i have flushed a plant for over a month, my boys that got fucked up but it was good smoke
  19. bikeskill

    DWC or Hydroton, exhaust and lights

  20. bikeskill

    Tecnaflora's "recipe for success"

    any more questions? a lot of nutes are simple to use, but that does not mean they are the good. The ONLY way i would use the recipie for sucess again is if i was growing weed to sell which i am not so that was the last time. GOOD LUCK.....................