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  1. blaze1camp

    A wild lady bug flew into my room ...

    thanks for the help...
  2. blaze1camp

    Looking for help with my plants

    first thing 18 inches is to close for such young plants back that light up...give it some time should recover...
  3. blaze1camp

    Plants Struggling, Please help. dont want to lose my girls

    when u water how long do you water for... there either over watered or under water both really show similar side effects...
  4. blaze1camp

    A wild lady bug flew into my room ...

    crazy just walked in my room today and saw a lady bug or an Asian beetle in the room...first time i have ever seen a bug in the room if i have no problems with other bugs the lady bug will not harm anything correct???
  5. blaze1camp

    question on HID and baby plants

    yea i would say that's way to much light for seedlings after a couple weeks u should be good...also get some fans regardless of the age of the plants...
  6. blaze1camp

    Wtf is up with my plant she looks stressed and i think its a male

    yeah all of the above and get them bottom leaves off the dirt before you add more problems to your grow...
  7. blaze1camp

    Can you TOP off the day before going into flowering?

    Would have to agree...
  8. blaze1camp

    Aurora Project - 303 Seeds

    that is some lovely look budz have to go aver to the tude and check 303 out...
  9. blaze1camp

    Monster House

    yeah im here welcome back BTW...
  10. blaze1camp

    Putting Spider Mites on the Streets

    yea bugs no bueno period...if he only started for the money he's not about to get any like that...
  11. blaze1camp

    Dr Grenthumbs Freedom 35

    should be interesting to watch 45 days huh... I hope its not just talk to get them sold would love to be finished completely in 75 days...
  12. blaze1camp

    My first indoor grow: California Orange Skunk

    low Nitrogen high in phosphorus and potassium something like this 2-10-10
  13. blaze1camp

    have a look at the leaves.......

    yeah what are ur temps...and how far do u have the light from the plant...
  14. blaze1camp

    TGA Plushberry by: Hovering

    Plush looks real nice think im about to order some...I know my next
  15. blaze1camp

    why doesnt this light work ?

    does the socket work at all...
  16. blaze1camp

    What Are You Listening To?
  17. blaze1camp

    update 8th week of flower (PICS)

    looks real nice...
  18. blaze1camp

    help plz droopy plants

    how often do you water...what are some of the other spec of your grow...
  19. blaze1camp

    Welcome New Members!

    never used it myself but have heard a lot of good things...