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    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    Nice setup it will be interesting to see how much you guys pull. If it's not what you want and you're in socal hit me up: )

    Spidermites all over roots in aeroponics

    has anyone had nightmares of roots aphids?? I swear if you've ever had these you'll have nightmares about them, i didn't even click on dispos's picture....

    Moving from Florida to California in May

    nope get your ID or drivers license then find a pot doc pretty much haha. what part of cali?

    Strawberry Cough Growers?

    always LST and top, its a sativa at heart for sure so being on top of this is key to not letting it get stringy. hit it up with just a touch of bush master once during veg and once the first week of flowering to keep it from getting to lengthy. in some of my pics and video i have other sativas...

    Can anyone help identify my problem?

    What are the genetics and current nutes you're using? It's probably not burned because the whole plant doesn't look dark enough, although some genetics i.e. sativas and some ruderalis, are really sensitive to certain things. I honestly finish those types of genetics and don't grow them even...

    Spidermites all over roots in aeroponics

    serapis, do you ever sign off?? haha jk, I agree with you on this, but regardless of what they are he should hit them up with everything.

    Is This Information Correct?

    just an fyi for everyone, don't do all your research on this site. people are idiots and unless they have pics, i swear sometimes people are telling others the wrong things just to fuck with you. LOOK FOR PICS AND VIDEOS, save yourself and your garden!

    Spidermites all over roots in aeroponics

    azatrol, avid, and bomb it with the 4% pyrethrum foggers. good luck bro!

    SCROG OFF!! New school vs old school. Sealed rooms- 12 plants.

    sorry boys, I think I got you all beat. by the way why don't you guys LST more, grab a little bush master and toss the lame screens and stakes. If you do everything correctly you shouldn't need a screen or stakes. I know a lot of people might not agree with me here but check out what I'm...

    Can anyone help identify my problem?

    hit them up with some ca/mg and liquid karma until they get darker. It's somewhat normal for your bottom leaves to start dying like that. I would definitely not use any salt.

    hello from cali

    hit me up if your in the sd area, happy tokin

    i can't find the newbie section ...

    Can you guys have an "ask the professional's" section? It would be awesome if there was an area where you had to have pics or videos to back up what you're saying and only be able to help/respond when you've been consistently pulling at least .5g/watt. This would be helpful for everyone.

    Two Spotted Spider Mites - Help!

    but you use it in low low quantities too, it's commercial basically. and basically you're likely not to need anything else, especially if you bomb like i mentioned before: ) are you in a spot that has multiple hydro shops? If not let me know then I can suggest other stuff.

    Two Spotted Spider Mites - Help!

    Doesn't matter if you throw them away, you already got them in your room. So basically bomb your room (try to get the commercial 4% ones) and then do it again right before you flower just in case. There's so many products out there for mites have you tried anything yet? If you don't care...


    I recently had someone point out that no one has pictures like mine etc. and that they are too green. Well I'll be the first to agree that no one has pics like mine and that's why I decided too make an account here, as I'm tired of people not understanding the true potential of this...

    PH closer to 6 or 6.5?? Keep seeing and hearing diffrent things

    woods you obviously haven't checked out any of my videos or other pics, i appreciate the last comment for the laugh. honestly send me your P.O. box and i'd be happy to smoke you out with my "shit" smoking weed, haha. as for your comment about the seed sites, let us examine this point. when...

    PH closer to 6 or 6.5?? Keep seeing and hearing diffrent things

    Interesting information woods, your pics are alright but they your girls look a little light green. I'd say the whole nutrients all in at the beginning isn't the best bet. to budtoker, you can keep your ph lower even if you're using soil. make sure at least once a week to water (always with...

    1000 watts for a 15 sq foot room?

    i agree with everyone on staying with the 1000, for your situation. fyi for everyone, you can put three, yes, three, 1000's over a 4x8 area just fine as long as you can keep it cool in there: )
  19. or manganese def? Trainwreck-

    Rosecity is right about the leaves not having to look like they are dying towards the in while doing indoor, although her's looked like they were in this process so that's why I asked. To be honest, finish this cycle and hit me up when you're looking to start growing ladies that look like these...

    Drying! HELP!

    leo, honestly bro if you got no pics or videos as reference than how are we suppose to take your "experiences" seriously? just saying sure there's lots of ways to do things but this place is suppose to help people not give them lame advice from a few experiences that you thought you had...