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    molasses and FF nutes

    Why, cause i didnt except your answer as the end all and be all of answers? did i say something disrespectful? Well I guess I hate VETSs then so THERE....kiss-ass

    Blue Sky Oakland

    I have heard better things of the San Fransisco clubs. Although C.A.R.E has great stuff just like 65 1/8 some close to 70! i usually go to the Garden OF Eden in Hayward. Always has The BEST purple strains IN STOCK. 60 an 1/8 . They also have lower grades... check it out.No clones though....I am...

    molasses and FF nutes

    Thank You, I have heard otherwise and wanted to give it a try. Anyone Else?:peace:

    What the fuck is going on here?

    Sweet!! this must be like some really rare thing because i have never heard of this or read in any book. wish i got twins!:hump:

    molasses and FF nutes

    good question. i would like to know this as well. I would think that it wouldn't matter, but i am still learning.

    Help with Thread management/folder?

    ok seriously . what is up with this site?First there was a link " view all subscribed threads" i am assuming this is the link you were talking about. When i hit it , i get an empty screen, like i have no posts. Now that link is gone altogether....WTF! HELP

    Help with Thread management/folder?

    I am retarded when it comes to computer . all i can do is roll and smoke. ...I went to " my rollitup" where it shows your last 5 threads and your last 5 subscribed thread... ..I don't see any link to " view all threads" can you walk me to it ? please. lolkiss-ass

    Oaksterdam?? who's grower can you rely on???

    I went to Oaksterdam this morning. I decided to wait on buying the clones and just check out there bud. For a place that is supposed to be voted 1st place "best dispensary 3 years in a row"...........i was no to impressed. I showed up at like 1030am and they still had like 100 clones so i dont...

    Blue Sky Oakland

    Dude, Can you vouch for the quality of this place? I just went this morning. I decided to wait on buying the clones and just check out there bud. For a place that is supposed to be voted 1st place "best dispensary 3 years in a row"...........i was no to impressed. I showed up at like 1030am and...

    Help with Thread management/folder?

    Hey guys, can someone please explain to me how to manage my posts and threads i am subscribed too. On my rollitiup page i can only track 5 at a time and all my old ones just disappear into the abyss. this is no good. I need help!

    grow setup

    Do you have lights ? the light will be you most expensive part (probably your whole budget) but the rest is easy you can actually use a lot of cheap easy to find household type stuff. You dont need to buy any fancy grow tents or boxs. I did a closet apartment grow. all you really need is the HID...

    Sure, Do you have any Hydroponic stores near you? check your phone book. They usually carry...

    Sure, Do you have any Hydroponic stores near you? check your phone book. They usually carry theses things(at least the ones around here do) or they can at least order one for you. Otherwise try calling a company off the internet. They may let you make some other type of payments, such as a money...

    TO PRESS OR NOT TO PRESS? that is the ?

    dont even worry about it . i was wondering if pressing it a little so its easier to carry around would significantly degrade the quality.

    cloning with bubbler

    I have tried this method a few times. It is really frustrating cause i have like a 40% success rate. sometimes it works sometime it dont. And i can never figure out why some work and some dont. same conditions but such a low rate? some times seems to work really well.

    TO PRESS OR NOT TO PRESS? that is the ?

    No, no guys i think you need to re-read the question. I am not interested in mixing my hash/kief and my weed . this is where my original question comes in. What is the best thing to do with your dry sift kief if you wish to smoke it by itself? press it? or leave it?

    hey i need some more help

    When your getting a lot of rain you will want to obviously water less. Now it will all depend on how much rain v.s how much you water. You will need practice to get a feel for it. Just remember over water is bad= fungus and all sorts of probs. I forgot. Are you in buckets? or are you in the...

    hey i need some more help

    Yup. I have grown bud like this with little or no effort, but the other guy is right. dont over water (watering every day=notgood).

    Wilting Clones and Slow Growth after Transplanting into Soil

    It is possible the soil is pulling moisture out of the Perlite or whatever you have it in? Maybe water a little more?

    What about Auto-Flowering strains?

    Yea, 75 huh? I was thinking to do this. mail order. but with the medical privileges comes a plant number limit . " 6 mature OR 12 immature". That means either or not both and i like to keep it to just female . with that limit i cannot afford to have any males. You know what i mean? I am not...

    What about Auto-Flowering strains?

    How much did you pay. Cause i have looked and its kinda expensive comparted to a "guarantee female clone" for like 15 bucks. I was kinda hoping to get a clone @ the medical dispensary does any one know a bay area club that has LowRyder? Thanks