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  1. hom36rown

    Visiting Los Angeles for the first time, Tips?

    Just go to a rave, and wait for someone to walk by saying "shrooms".
  2. hom36rown

    Failed device in nyc

    Damn those police, trying to save innocent lives!?
  3. hom36rown

    Why Legalization should be Stopped! (wait, hear me out!)

    You got it all wrong! Prices will drop, availability will increase, people will stop being prosecuted for recreational use! Simple question: should people be fined or incarcerated for recreational use of marijuana?
  4. hom36rown

    What do u Yanks think of the NRL?!?

    I think I speak for all Americans when I say: Rugby blows. Haha, jk!
  5. hom36rown

    Possible way to beat security at school?

    Security guards at highschools are police officers...all they need to search you is probable cause, like any other police officer. The school administration, however, can search you at any time, for any reason, while you are on school property.
  6. hom36rown

    Possible way to beat security at school?

    Why would they need to strip search you? They would just pat you down, and make you take it out.
  7. hom36rown

    Why Legalization should be Stopped! (wait, hear me out!)

    Ive seen several of these threads now, and it is really starting to piss me off. Traitors...
  8. hom36rown


    So what exactly do you want? If you decide that you want it, and the woman doesn't, she should be forced to endure a pregnancy she doesn't want? Seriously?
  9. hom36rown


    So you seriously think that if you get a woman pregnant, and decide after the fact that you don't want it, you shouldn't be responsible for it? With all due respect, that is fuckin stupid.
  10. hom36rown

    This sh*t has been bugging me all day

    Oh yeah!!! Thanks
  11. hom36rown

    This sh*t has been bugging me all day

    No, it wasn't that but +rep for tryin
  12. hom36rown

    This sh*t has been bugging me all day

    I've been trying to figure this out for a couple hours now. What movie is it in, where the guy is talking about how his girlfriend has an enlarged clit...that's all I can remember about the movie haha. If I try to google it I get a bunch of porn. +rep to whoever knows.
  13. hom36rown

    Blue ladies

    fentanyl is extremely rare
  14. hom36rown

    Blue ladies

  15. hom36rown

    Its festival season again.....

    Coachella is coming up, can't wait.
  16. hom36rown

    Methylone (BK-MDMA) health question

    Not quite. Reduction does not mean removing an oxygen atom. Notice pseudoephedrine and methcathinone both have one oxygen atom.
  17. hom36rown

    MTVs' 'Jersey Shore' = a disgrace against true and proud Italians. Like me!

    lol, arent two of them like 13 and 14?
  18. hom36rown

    This thread probably exists, but, in need of a cheap mg scale.

    I have the exact same one. It works well enough, depending on what you are using to weigh w/ it. Mine came with a 20g weight and it reads between 19.998 to 20.001, although I think it is probably less accurate with smaller amounts. probably an error margin of about .003g. But I have a sinking...
  19. hom36rown

    Back and trippin

    Yeah, nothing very intense visually at all at 16mg. I'll definitely try at least 20mg next time.
  20. hom36rown

    Back and trippin

    And what exactly do you mean by 'people like you?' :D