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  1. hom36rown

    The greatest invention to stoners without a piece?

    You mean aluminum foil, and smoking aluminum can't be too good for your health.
  2. hom36rown

    Atheist Tattoo Ideas- Help!

    I always wanted to get the Jesus fish, but instead have it say SATAN.
  3. hom36rown

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    Most of the 'super rich' came from middle class families :rolleyes:
  4. hom36rown

    Jon Stewart parodies Beck - priceless

    Pretty funny. Impressions aren't usually Jon's strong point either.
  5. hom36rown

    Jesus Was A Socialist!

    Yeah, Idi Amin too.
  6. hom36rown

    Jesus Was A Socialist!

    If you didn't pay your taxes, would jesus take your home and throw you in jail?
  7. hom36rown

    Can one of you guys explain your paranoid theory to me???

    We don't need to produce anything, we can just print the dollar and the rest of the world will do all the heavy lifting...not.
  8. hom36rown

    Can one of you guys explain your paranoid theory to me???

    The dollar is not strong, it hit a 52 week low not too long ago....and the barrage of inflation caused by the stimulus plans, bailouts, and low interest rates, is going to send it much lower. The stock markets is certainly no indicator of economic conditions...and most economists agree it is...
  9. hom36rown

    Can one of you guys explain your paranoid theory to me???

    I would explain to you the supposed recovery, but I know it will fall on deaf...err...stupid ears.
  10. hom36rown

    Can one of you guys explain your paranoid theory to me???

    Oh, you sure showed me, I can see my knowledge of economics is no match for yours.
  11. hom36rown

    Audit the Fed is Dead

    Yeah, he was just doing it so he could keep the millions! Youre an idiot!
  12. hom36rown

    Can one of you guys explain your paranoid theory to me???

    There is no vast conspiracy. The dollar is going to collapse due to decades of bad monetary policy, reckless borrowing and spending, and just generally living beyond our means. The only thing that really keeps us afloat is foreign credit. But as creditors realize that we cannot legitimately...
  13. hom36rown

    Honey hash oil dosage??

    Digi as in digital scale.
  14. hom36rown

    The Stock Market

    European and Asian markets, especially companies closely tied to China. Commodities, especially precious metals. Stay out of the American market. Better yet, save your money.
  15. hom36rown

    why do you want the government?

    The biggest problem with a stateless society is no taxes. You aren't going to get much revenue if 'taxes' are voluntary, Especially since a lot of rich people would probably hightail it the fuck outta here. It cost billions of dollars to pay for the infrastructure necessary for us to not be a...
  16. hom36rown

    why do you want the government?

    I for one am not willing to let the country slide into chaos and ruin because its the 'moral' thing to do.
  17. hom36rown

    Why do fat people drive so slow?

    Anyone who drives slower than you is an idiot, anyone who drives faster is a maniac.
  18. hom36rown

    PUKING thread, lol.

  19. hom36rown

    DUI Thread

    Not true, field sobriety test are 100% voluntary. You do have to take a test once you are brought into the station.
  20. hom36rown

    DUI Thread

    ok :| .