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  1. kid cannabis

    rubbermaid grow

    haha this is over haha im building a new cab. i moved outta the rubbermaid... ill be doing an 8 plant flower asap
  2. kid cannabis

    first cfl

    yea that post was hillarious... piss for N is a little to organic for me ill stick to blood meal
  3. kid cannabis

    first cfl

    yea haha thats a hell of a canapy and more to come haha
  4. kid cannabis

    stealth pc

    college man he was assigned
  5. kid cannabis

    first cfl

    wow great job like the dwc + rep
  6. kid cannabis

    16 oz cup grow contest?

    dr bud really was the first to go big in 20 oz bottles his grow is amazing
  7. kid cannabis

    Flowering my Big Ass plant

    yea i would do that if space is limited
  8. kid cannabis

    My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!! #2

    it would work maybe not as well tho because the screen doesnt have as much time to fill in
  9. kid cannabis

    Flowering my Big Ass plant

    true if i were you id run a 150 watt in a cooltube. and suppliment with cfls
  10. kid cannabis

    Flowering my Big Ass plant

    maybe you should just get some bigger cfls try adding like 2 or 3 65 watters
  11. kid cannabis

    Flowering my Big Ass plant

    heres the sockett its like $4. with shipping and all id guess like $85-$90
  12. kid cannabis

    Need some help Cfl grow

    um i do it when they get their second set of leaves. then i transplant the unuted soil into a hole of soil with more nutes like a a mix containing blood meal, bone meal, worm castings and bat guano
  13. kid cannabis

    Flowering my Big Ass plant

    nah id set one up my self from and put it together myself 50 for the ballast, 10 for the bulb, and 5 for the socket.
  14. kid cannabis

    My RubberMaid CFL Garden

    impressive everything looks great
  15. kid cannabis

    Here We Go, Lowryder2/AK47

    yea the cross joint is pretty sick blunt rolling is becoming an art +rep
  16. kid cannabis

    stealth pc

    yea. thats for sure week 5 of flower last grow was actually really stealthy i just ran into bad luck
  17. kid cannabis

    Need some help Cfl grow

    ive found the best thing to start seeds in is a mix of peat, vermiculite, and perlite i go with a 50% peat, 40% vermiculite, and 10% perlite. it works like a charm no nutes til plants get there 2nd set of true leaves
  18. kid cannabis

    Here We Go, Lowryder2/AK47

    you do have alot to be prouf of. that one ak is remarkable. looks like you got a real nice pheno too
  19. kid cannabis

    Need some help Cfl grow

    only cut the tips if your going to remove damaged parts or cut the whole leaf if its more than 2/3 dead.... theyre not that burnt so it doesnt matter to much