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  1. 420circuit

    US Customs is confiscating orders from Attitude...

    Because I paid attitude for delivery service it is up to them to get the product delivered. If they cannot get the seeds delivered then I should not have to pay them. I could throw insults but won't. It is reassuring to see that there is evidence of human evolution.:bigjoint:
  2. 420circuit

    US Customs is confiscating orders from Attitude...

    In my state cannabis is not illegal. The problem with having permits to send seeds is the seller's. The risk of confiscation is NOT CLEAR on the seller's website, nor is it clear what the stealth shipping is all about, it is not clear that the reason for it is to insure against customs theft. I...
  3. 420circuit

    RSO, Colorado Hemp Tears, Phoenix Tears foundation/plus, Rick Simpson!!???!!!

    There are many threads that fizzle out after someone gets worked up about Rick Simpson or some extraction method that isn't up to their mysterious specification. I am making an Everclear oil by freezing everything, crushing up buds and trim and shaking in the booze for a couple minutes, strain...
  4. 420circuit

    can i get in trouble?

    To the OP, hey, pay attention, stay the fuck out of trouble, do your time and then you are free, do not screw this up.
  5. 420circuit


    I scored 303 seeds from Green Grass in Central City. I like that place, it has a good vibe.
  6. 420circuit

    Scammed by Attitude Seed Bank

    The important message here is that there is evidence of increased confiscations happening with orders from Attitude. If you order from them you should get the guarantee, sold as "stealth shipping". I feel screwed after having an order confiscated by customs, but that is because I didn't realize...
  7. 420circuit

    US Customs is confiscating orders from Attitude...

    If you count the increased number of confiscation reports on RIU and other forums it is clear that there is something going on with customs and the seed sellers. Perhaps they see the end of their MMJ jobs on the horizon and want to get in as many confiscations as possible before the law finally...
  8. 420circuit

    US Customs is confiscating orders from Attitude...

    Here is Colorado MMJ is not illegal. I stand by my original contention, that Attitude should guarantee all orders, not just those that include the stealth shipping option. Because this is a rare experience for me, ordering seeds online, I did not see the guarantee aspect as including protection...
  9. 420circuit

    can i get in trouble?

    Yes, getting a red card will get you into trouble. Finish your rehab program first, just simply do what is required before applying for a card. Think of the rehab program as a free education. Smile and be agreeable. Then you can confidentially apply for your card if you are still interested. And...
  10. 420circuit

    US Customs is confiscating orders from Attitude...

    Wonder how Attitude is going to get orders to their "guaranteed" customers. Hope they step up their game, I enjoyed doing business with them until this interdiction nonsense escalated and their "guarantee" became essential, and even with it there may be no more seeds coming from them. I do not...
  11. 420circuit

    US Customs is confiscating orders from Attitude...

    Lost my order in LA during a govt shutdown. Attitude knows that a large number of US orders are being lost to customs. Their website mentions the guarantee being needed "in the very unlikely circumstance that the order is lost in shipping". I call BS. A glance at the online forums tells the...
  12. 420circuit

    Calling all chemists and botanists! Let's put an end to overpriced nutes!

    Cal-Mag from Botanicare, an essential additive that brings Calcium and Magnesium, plus a trace of Iron. Here is the label: Notice the ingredients, Calcium Nitrate and Magnesium Nitrate are the primary ingredients. You may recall that Sweet is mainly Magnesium Sulfate, so let's just use Sweet...
  13. 420circuit

    our fight isnt over yet guys plese sign

    There was a guy at the task force meetings in Denver who argued that we should regulate alcohol like MMJ. He made the point that what is evolving into law is a far cry from what A64 says. Taxes are too high already, there are too many government employees, they are paid too much and their...
  14. 420circuit

    I wonder if this is the R4 strain...

    Good luck with those seeds, the ones I tried to germ were with a bunch of others, all of which grew fine, only the 2 R4s failed to open. I have an Otto in flower now, it is the scraggliest looking plant ever, was planning to take a clone but there isn't a branch that will work, it is one ugly...
  15. 420circuit

    US Customs is confiscating orders from Attitude...

    Yes, I get that there is a problem with cannabis seeds at the federal level in the US, and that shipping is risky, but I also see the website at The Attitude offering shipping to the US, but no mention that there is a high probability you will NOT RECEIVE YOUR ORDER.
  16. 420circuit

    Seized Seeds and the Attitude Comes through!

    Yes, my padded envelope arrived with note from Customs. The Attitude says I can purchase the guarantee next time. As if. They are supposed to figure this shit out before they offer the seeds, offering the guarantee as an option is bad business, if there is a problem with deliveries, and...
  17. 420circuit

    US Customs is confiscating orders from Attitude...

    ...and if you do not purchase the "guaranteed" shipping option, The Attitude will not reship. Colorado and Washington have made the possession of cannabis legal, but, apparently, nobody has told Customs, so they are intercepting packages from Attitude, removing the seeds and putting a note...
  18. 420circuit

    Make your own Sweet for less than 1 dollar a gallon

    If I understand the effect of sugar correctly, it helps with changing the internal pressure of the cells so they take up nutrients better. Sound good to me. Getting it delivered correctly and in the right amount seems to be the challenge. Sounds like your method is working.
  19. 420circuit

    Anyone here use a Pax portable vaporizer?

    I am also looking at the Pax by Ploom to replace my pen vape that is only good for a few tokes and then needs a refill. I tried an O-Pen and really liked it, it uses oil carts and is an awesome little device. But as a grower with excellent buds I would be crazy to shift to a device that requires...
  20. 420circuit

    Fighting Bladder Cancer with Cannabis

    THC is created from the raw plant by a conversion process called decarboxylation. It needs to be heated to do this. There is a chart posted on RIU that shows what temps are needed, but if memory serves, it is around 220F for about 20 minutes. Or you can just roll one up and smoke it, so the...