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  1. loke

    Stoner movies

    Smokers Super High Me Grandmas boy rolling kansas pineapple express homegrown saving grace dazed and confused Cheech & Cong (all) How High Half Baked
  2. loke

    who's NOT voting today; and why

    I don't plan to vote because I just don't wanna but if I were going to I'd vote Green party, hellz yeah! It's all about the green parties biotchez! Verde loco por vida! Seriously though i have other things to do....
  3. loke

    420, what does it mean?

    words to try to live by my friend :thumbsup:
  4. loke

    Bump If You're Baked!

    *bumpstinks so sour good mayn "this shit,..right here!?" has never been so clear before, damn
  5. loke

    420, what does it mean?

    to me it means a time for peace to all kind, a piece in my mouth and a peice of kine to unwind lol wtf? i'm flored sorry:eyesmoke:
  6. loke

    What movie are u watching whilst high?

    rolling kansas,, bad acting but i still larfed hehe :D
  7. loke

    Dope dreams

    what a gnarly dream dude, twilight zoneish....
  8. loke

    Dope dreams

    I was wondering if anybody else here dreams about smoking or scoring weed(?) I have a lot of these kind of dreams and I was wondering how common this is in other weed smokers. Most of the time these dreams involve me getting extremely high off all kinds of different buds and they are quite...
  9. loke

    How do you jam?

    I've been playing the piano/keyboard for 12 years. I started playing for my church at 16 and have since played at several other churches and various events. I can play gospel and old time rock n roll, new age, ambient and blues. Despite my success I eventually got kicked out of the church for...
  10. loke

    How do form your relationships with people.

    yeah, i'm more of a leader it seems. my friends always look to me for ideas and choices.
  11. loke

    How do form your relationships with people.

    y sorry i didnt mean that as an offense. I guess what ever works for ya, just do 'you' ;)
  12. loke

    shipping containers as houses

    i can dig that,man thats cool! thanks for sharing
  13. loke

    How do form your relationships with people.

    I dunno, you really have to play it by ear, every situation is different. I always have the first best idea about something but I'm not intrusive about it, just tastefully assertive in a charming sort of way and I'm witty and jokey about life. I never take myself too seriously and I involve...
  14. loke

    Duster? Or Form of other worldly huffing objects?

    I'm not proud of myself but I used to huff duster quite a bit back in the day. I used to mix it with cocaine and weed alot. It made for quite a euphoric experience indeed but was extremely short lived and it was not really worth the effort in the end. As a person who was a former huffer I do not...
  15. loke

    33 degrees already down here

    After reading some of your posts suddenly I don't feel so cold anymore. it's a sunny 60 degrees and rising up to about 89 today here at 10 in the morning.
  16. loke

    2 dumbass friends and a question

    roflmao! win
  17. loke

    God I Love California

    yeah i love it here! when ever i go stay with friends in other states i get extremely home sick. one time I even kissed the dirt when i crossed into California after being away for a long while. lol
  18. loke

    What's your record for number of smoked cones.. or bowls.. whatever you call it.

    My record is 8 cones/bowls of some dank dro, I stopped because i couldnt light my lighter anymore lol
  19. loke

    Whats the meanest thing you've ever done?

    cheated on a great lover with their best friend.
  20. loke

    how much weed do you smoke each day

    I take about 2 grams worth of small pinches of weed for my pipe all day long.