it is fine to have the roots suspeneded in 'nothingness' for awhile. even states somewhere it encourages growth. I didnt know you have them all in the same res. if ur others look healthy than just get rid of it. eventually it will infect the others. considering how long it will take to get...
listen they look very good. lesson learned for next time- immediately after flushing use 1/4-1/2 half strength. he did a harvest flush too early. yes, feed them at 1/4 strength and add the molasses as well. get some fine dolomite lime and add to top layer of ur soil.
are you planning on...
the roots dont like that bad, but is that stem black? poke it with the end of a paperclip and see if it is mushy. if this is the case, than she is pob a gonner. either way, drain that res and leave empty for like 4-6 hours and see if she picks back up. if she does, than leave empty for another...
gonna have to disagree with you here Autotek. You make mention of lockout of Nitrogen by high Ph. I doubt highly this is the case. Nutes can get locked out but very rarely do within 1-2 % points of the ph. Escpecially N-very rare to have lockout of N. Every plant grown in the wild that flowers...
looks llike ur babies are around 2-3 weeks. hydro, escpecially DWC, which by the way is the bomb, needs to be under 6, like 5.5 - 5.8. 750 ppm's seem way too much even for a heavy indica, especially if under fluros, under 4 weeks and under a foot
and according to you math, you gave it extra N for the stretch at 5 weeks. really needs to get it if even at all is 1-3 weeks of flower, than it gets cut back and Pk increased. 100% too much N during flowering will slow your bud growth and encourage shoot growth. add on top a Sativa that doesnt...
judging by the photo, she has probably had her fill of N for some time now. 2 weeks without-shit she is just catching up from before. Sativas def known for the late budding density along with low tolerance levels of ferts, escpecially N. the way those old fans are curled and cupped and stretched...
yeah, u cant just use the canna PK-this is only a supplement to normal feeding regime the last half of flowering. stuff is a bit wacky with ph I find-hydro. must some type of buffer added in there or that chemical is naturally buffering. like pnahead said, feed with veg and keep feeding up until...
f.e.e.d. m.e.. u make no mention of nutes. u have to be experiencing some significant growth under those lights. increased lighting=increased nutes-or start them if the case.
so u r saying there is high heat with little fresh air. add some co2 to the equation to balance them out. alos some...
this looks like a Sativa so therefore your flowering time should be close to 10-12 weeks. it really looks like you have an overnute of N and possibly a light leak.
ok, that looks like a pretty sever case of K deficiency coupled with mg. my guess is you have not done a thorough flush in the last 30 days. I see alot of evidence of toxic salt build up-which can actually reverse the osmotic pressure in the plant-I see quite often K and mg getting locked out...
u r gonna have to feed them more-only 2 nute feeds will do this. you really should be foliar feeding with the epsom salts as again, this is getting pretty severe. also feed with as soon as you can. the lime will not allow you ph to raise above 7. they look pretty bad especially if u r lookng to...