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  1. say no 2 soap

    i have another question

    I stand mine in the bath,flush it & give it an hr or so to drain the bath. seems to work for me
  2. say no 2 soap

    My 3week old plant!how am i doing?PICS

    most MG has a 3mth time-release of nutes already in it,thats what i'm using & only had to use nutes wen it got to 12/12 light cycle
  3. say no 2 soap

    is my plant healthy?

    give it a gud 2mths to veg properly before ya put it into flower,or between 18-24inches in height,you want plenty of nodes on it for the buds to develop, thats wot i wud do
  4. say no 2 soap

    what is the best brand of soil

    I used miracle grow with perlite & it works fine for me. I think alotta people overwater n den blame the soil they used.
  5. say no 2 soap

    is this any gud??

    ye sound thanx,will get a proper ballast, hopefully i'll have a setup sum day to use both of em
  6. say no 2 soap

    is this any gud??

    sorry the 250w
  7. say no 2 soap

    is this any gud??

    i was told u cud use it,glad i checked 1st,do i need a new ballast for the 250w or is there any other safe way of hooking it up?
  8. say no 2 soap

    is this any gud??

    4got to ask,its a real newbie quetion,but i had a 400whps but cud'nt use it in the space i had,can i still use the 400w ballast??
  9. say no 2 soap

    is this any gud??

    nice1 thanx man,never thought of googling it,
  10. say no 2 soap

    is this any gud??

    i got a bulb,im fairly sure its hps,its a philips son-t pia plus 250w has any1 used this type of light before?
  11. say no 2 soap

    Questions from a beginner

    oh yeah & wit cfls keep em as close to the plant as u can without burnig it,get as many lights as u can or 1 really big 1,i have 1 plant under 125wcfl,its a small really bushy plant & its not even gettin half the light i'd like it to get. really try & get the biggest light you can mannage GOOD LUCK
  12. say no 2 soap

    Questions from a beginner

    ONLY HAVE 1 PER POT,otherwise wen u try seperate em all the roots will be inter twined. read up on LST its a great way to keep em small,if you dnt want it anymore than 3ft,you gotta put it on 12/12cycle wen its 18inches,coz it will double in size during flowering
  13. say no 2 soap

    blooming advice

    I'm very grateful man,sorry if i came across abit objective just wanna do it right, if its the power plant im hoping its just a slow bloomer,but i know my lil light is playin a part. i'm very thankful for your imput
  14. say no 2 soap

    FAILENA is becoming a woman,pics

    i know ye,i have a 400whps just havent got the room at the mo for it :-(, I used the sparkling water to spray wen im watering coz i was hoping the co2 in the bubbles would penetrate the leaves,it obviously works,looked much better day after the 1st spray,leaves looked much healthier. thanx for...
  15. say no 2 soap

    blooming advice

    it gets out all round d door,but i didnt think natural light would get thru wen the gap is tiny & i have the sheet thrown over the wardrobe??
  16. say no 2 soap

    Questions from a beginner

    use em all if u can,use asd much light as possible
  17. say no 2 soap

    blooming advice

    its in a wardrobe the door closes almost cmpletely,then i have a sheet draped over that,would sunlight get thru a blind,light curtains & that? no1 goes into the room wen the light goes off
  18. say no 2 soap

    blooming advice

    i think its indica-power plant or grapefruit. ye it gets 12hrs im fairly sure the light isnt gettin in,
  19. say no 2 soap

    blooming advice

    my plant is nearly 30 days on 12/12 under a 125wcfl,i cnt use anymore lighting. I used LST all through veg so now its really really bushy,but d buds n spurs are only showing now,im happy with the size but can i trim off alot of the fan leaves,so the buds are getting all the light??? i have seen...
  20. say no 2 soap

    FAILENA is becoming a woman,pics

    cheetah 2007,thats 1 beautiful girl,hope to grow sum like that myself sum day