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  1. Dr High

    Does Piss Help Your Plant Grow?

    use Muskie 5-1-1 instead! much better than pissing in a bottle :mrgreen:
  2. Dr High

    ******* 2008 Outdoor Monster Thread ************

    360 degree bud, rock on! Peace
  3. Dr High

    Igotdialup's First Grow CFL

    all i could say is... add 2700K 40 watt bulbs for flower and yuor on your way and bring em closer with a fan if you do not have one. Good luck buddy!!
  4. Dr High

    My first cfl grow doin pretty well

    Bring lights in closer and get bigger pots if possible. Peace
  5. Dr High

    10 weeks - Harvest ............(Pics)

    dude this is the best thing iveprobly ever seen for a first harvest! good work + rep
  6. Dr High

    ******* 2008 Outdoor Monster Thread ************

    Its simple, molasses acts almost as carbo load just alot cheaper, your plants need carbs to feed on and sugars and molasses has both of those plus all the good vitamins friend. i bet it does make a difference.
  7. Dr High

    Who else can't stand rap/hip-hop?

    Never thought of putting ti this way my friend, your brilliant!bongsmilie
  8. Dr High

    Show Off Your Buds (Pics) (Cfls only)

    Looks good guys, CFLS ROCK!
  9. Dr High

    Who else can't stand rap/hip-hop?

    i recondize Talent, and most rap music is really easy to produce, nothing like metal music where the lyrics dont come from first thought about women guns drugs and money. Peace
  10. Dr High

    Stoner smoking etiquette

    I love it!
  11. Dr High

    My first outdoor grow PICS

    Wish i had all that grow space man! very nice:) :mrgreen:
  12. Dr High

    My First Grow with cfl's

    This only means good, the closer he nodes the better it is when flower time comes. good job. Peace
  13. Dr High

    ******* 2008 Outdoor Monster Thread ************

    And DID they??:mrgreen: your just way too sensative, molasses wont help me if im already using it im talking about nutrients. Peace
  14. Dr High

    ******* 2008 Outdoor Monster Thread ************

    And i use molasses too, its not the point, theres much more to add then just molasses to make a huge bushy plant, im no idiot buddy.:mrgreen:
  15. Dr High

    Who else can't stand rap/hip-hop?

    I hate rap/hiphop. Defenitley! :)
  16. Dr High

    Outdoor Flowering????

    yeah me too, i find it hard to nutrient dose the plant in the ground. good job Bud
  17. Dr High

    My First Grow with cfl's

    Dr chronics plant looks top, but baz for 5 weeks thats really funny!!¨:P keep up the good work! Peace
  18. Dr High

    My first outdoor grow PICS

    Val Danielle and Tina man, there sexy! good job man, lovley growing space!
  19. Dr High

    ******* 2008 Outdoor Monster Thread ************

    And on what rate should i feed it 200% there fucking 5-7 feet tall dude, i dont wanna be disapointed in my yeild ok? this is my frist outdoor grow. indoor im fine outdoor im still gettign to figure things out ok?? i know its not rocket science smartass.
  20. Dr High

    ******* 2008 Outdoor Monster Thread ************

    Your kidding me, right? thats not all i need to grow a big plant and max out its potential, you make me sick.:evil: PS. this calls for FDD!!