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  1. IrishDoc

    DIY water farm system

    Well I decided to do a diy system using some of the pieces premade like the waterfarm plumbing kit. So I will build the system for 12 plants and let everyone know whether buying or building is cheaper. :bigjoint:
  2. IrishDoc

    DIY water farm system

    That is similar to the system i am using now but i want to give more space to some of my plants. The waterfarm seems like the best option without spending the tone of money and time i have tied up in my other sections of my grow room.
  3. IrishDoc

    DIY water farm system

    Please post a link to that site with the waterfarm 8 for $300. I can't find it under 425.kiss-ass
  4. IrishDoc

    $100 Need all hydro set-up what to get first? Start from seeds.

    smart idea dude, wish i had done a budget grow when i first started. instead i decked out a 15 x 20 room with the latest and greatest shit i could find and spent alomost 8000 on my first grow. +rep for doing the smarter thing and starting small. I will say i did end up with 2.5kg from my...
  5. IrishDoc

    DIY water farm system

    OK Photobucket sucks. Anybody have an update to thise with current pics.:bigjoint:
  6. IrishDoc

    First Grow Starting From Seed

    bongsmilieOk heres the update. The auto blueberry has been harvested, dried, and is now curing for the next day or so before I go to town and smoke the hell out of it. That hash plant haze is taking over my flowering area and i hope that I can get it harvested with the rest at the end of march...
  7. IrishDoc

    I GIVE UP - aerocloner

    Well it looks like you have plenty of advice to fix your situation but if you still plan to give it up then let me know I am interested in getting a new aero cloner.:bigjoint:
  8. IrishDoc

    substitution for nutes

    It shouldn't make any difference considering all the other supplements you are adding.:bigjoint:
  9. IrishDoc

    Please i need help with my first hydro setup !!!

    That fan should do fine. The price is a little questionable I would check into this one Also to seal the edges from light, line the inside with mylar or panda film. Personally I would use panda film but its up to you.:bigjoint:
  10. IrishDoc

    what causes leaves to look like this

    Looks like nute burn or calcium deficiency. Personally I would lower the ppm to 800 or 850 and add some cal-mag to it. :bigjoint:
  11. IrishDoc

    nutrient challenge i saw online

    I currently use GH Flora series and have had no problems. But my friends have talked me into switching to holland select for my next grow. I will see how it does on the same strains I have now and compare the differences if any to the yeild or grow time.bongsmilie
  12. IrishDoc

    ebb & flow buckets vs. large tub DWC - growing trees

    I agree. The plants tell you when they are done and ready. And as for the guys friend he is full of MAJOR BS. There is no plant that will jump from 3oz yield to 1.5 to 2lb yeild simply for waiting an extra 14 days ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE. :bigjoint:
  13. IrishDoc

    First Grow Starting From Seed

    OK. A lot has changed since my last post to this journal. I had to raise the roof and lower my flowering table in order to deal with some of the height a few of the plants are getting to. Also on the Tiger Eyes plants that I rolled the dice on, I have had about a 60 / 40 male to female ratio...
  14. IrishDoc

    Hygrozyme? Who uses this?

    Forgot to say that I haven't had any type of root rot problems since I started using it.
  15. IrishDoc

    Hygrozyme? Who uses this?

    I grow in an aeroponic system. I have never grown in soil. that being said I have used this stuff since my 3rd grow. I will say I dont follow the directions on any of my nutes. I have found that using lower ppm will in my system does just fine for me. I use hygorzyme 35ml per 15 gal of...
  16. IrishDoc

    Water PPM and adjusting nutrient solution

    Just use the reading of your water as a base line. So if you add nutes and the meter reads 900 then minus your baseline reading (say 100) then it would be 800. If I were you and had that high of a reading then I would go with a RO system.bongsmilie
  17. IrishDoc

    will this aero system work?

    I forgot to answer your question about the amount of plants. Yes that container is too small for that many plants, especially in flowering stages. But for vegging you should be alright but if it were me I would definitely go up a size or two just to be safe.:bigjoint:
  18. IrishDoc

    will this aero system work?

    If you are talking about the pic added toward the bottom, then yes that setup does work. It is exactly what I have for vegging and flowering. You just need to make sure you have good drainage back into your reseviors, so you don't have too much standing water in the bottom of the plant boxes...
  19. IrishDoc

    Need help with sog ebb & flow set up

    I only run my mothers in an eb and grow setup with alot more space than you are talking about. So most of your questions I can answer but i will say that your rez should be fine and the 600gph pump is definitely enough. I only use 250pgh on longer running times. :bigjoint:
  20. IrishDoc

    Aero/DWC first time grow

    Nice setup. I would suggest changing those sprayers though. I used them when I built my first couple of boxes and they tend to clogg up or just stop spinning. Lowes does carry one that will work its called 360 x 14 stream jet item#287620. I have found that they work 1000% better than the...