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  1. zvuv

    Fixing to Grow 60 Day Wonder White Dwarf Auto and Auto Fuel

    Update: White Dwarf is filling out nicely in her 5ga airybucket! I am guessing 10 days. Her leaves which were mostly bright yellow reverted to green within 48hrs of doing a ph adjustment. I've never seen that happen before. Usually yellow leaves are lost. There is some yellowing but it's now...
  2. zvuv

    How Many Seeds To Order???

    It's a crap shoot. That doesn't mean you can't play the odds. It depends a great deal on the uniformity of the strain. The more variable the phenos the more plants you need to have a good shot at getting the phenos you want. I did like your sarky answer to 'could be just one' but anytime you...
  3. zvuv

    got robbed

    Either it was your dad (it's not clear from your post whether your dad knows about your grow and is cool about it) or somebody found out. The guys that ripped you off know nothing about growing weed otherwise they would have waited till the plants were close to ready. I suspect they also have...
  4. zvuv

    Difference Between Regular Feminized and Auto Flowers Feminized Seeds.

    If it smokes like whitewidow and is potent like white widow, what does it matter that it has an auto in oyd lineage? If the smoke is not up to par then it's crap even if it's a photoperiod.
  5. zvuv

    Fixing to Grow 60 Day Wonder White Dwarf Auto and Auto Fuel

    @Jesus: I'd love to hear the results of any experiments you do. I suspect there is a fair amount of myth or exaggeration mixed in with what people say about autos, but I am not set up to test any of this. I am told that with autos, you can in fact clone a cutting but it will be on the same...
  6. zvuv

    got robbed

    Yes periods would help. If you want people to read your stuff, make it easy for them. It's like speaking clearly vs talking with your mouthful. No, it's not the most important thing in the world but it helps. In any case, the OP posted because it's been a tough day and he needs a bit of...
  7. zvuv

    got robbed

    That sux. Sorry man. Were the plants indoors?
  8. zvuv

    Difference Between Regular Feminized and Auto Flowers Feminized Seeds.

    If the smoke is as good as you expected, why do you care?
  9. zvuv

    Difference Between Regular Feminized and Auto Flowers Feminized Seeds.

    I just cut some greenomatic which finished in 60 days from seed. A great smoke. I'm going to grow some more.
  10. zvuv

    Fixing to Grow 60 Day Wonder White Dwarf Auto and Auto Fuel

    It crossed my mind to do that too but I don't see how I could do it in my setup. The ideal test would be a side by side with clones but that's not possible with autos. Growing from seed means you also have phenotype differences to deal with. This could be offset by increasing the numbers and...
  11. zvuv

    Seeds: How do the breeders do it?

    Yes regulars. I am also planning to ask about making seeds from a fem with colloidal silver or somesuch. But if I can breed DrGT's seeds for myself, that would be awesome. @growone Makes sense that if you select both the males and the females that you get more control over the offspring...
  12. zvuv

    Seeds: How do the breeders do it?

    @Grumpy: Thanks for the answer but I was talking about breeding more of the same strain. I have a 10 pack of Dr's Big Laughing which cost $200. I would like to not have to buy it again. I can keep clones but preserving all the strains I grow with clones is not practical.
  13. zvuv

    Seeds: How do the breeders do it?

    I bought some expensive seeds and thought, if I got some males, I would breed a few seeds when I grow them. But it was explained to me that the result would probably be a collection of different phenos and to get stable seeds takes a few more generations of breeding. If so, how do the...
  14. zvuv

    So today i found my local hydro store

    Looks pretty healthy. Hard to tell whether it's the plant or the photo, but the light green color suggests she wants more nitrogen. I guess people have been telling you that already :) Good luck with your grow and keep us updated.
  15. zvuv

    People on this forum need to stop trying to cut corners man!

    I'm with cranker on this but spencer has a point too. I think he just overstated it. It is reasonable to expect people to do some serious reading on their own before planting seeds. Some of the questions in this forum show that the poster isnt even familiar with the basic life cycle of an MJ...
  16. zvuv

    1000w 2 plants SCRog, -PITBULL- 1st timer^^

    I'm with Kev on this. That really looks like N def. to me. I've had a couple of encounters with it in my current grow. If I understand, you've been flushing them so it's unlikely to be nute lockout from ph problems. I would guess it's just plain N def and the flushing has exacerbated it...
  17. zvuv

    Fixing to Grow 60 Day Wonder White Dwarf Auto and Auto Fuel

    @Jesus: The accepted wisdom with autos is that they run on a fixed clock. Any time spent recovering from pruning means time taken away from the plant's total lifetime. This is my first grow with autos so I dunno but they say they do best if you mess with them as little as possible. I did do...
  18. zvuv

    Fixing to Grow 60 Day Wonder White Dwarf Auto and Auto Fuel

    Yeah it will keep the wolf away from the door for a little while :) Did some LST on the White Dwarf. Nothing agressive. Just moving cola's around for more even light. She is doing great in her new 5ga 'aerobucket'. Yellowing has stopped or slowed way down. There is some of subcools supersoil...
  19. zvuv

    hps lighting

    MH for Veg. HPS for flower. HPS for both. MH for both. Dual Spectrum for both. Dual Spectrum for flowering... yata .... yata.... They all work well. All these arguments are about good, better, best. Ignore them all. An HPS lamp will grow dope. I once got a pound from my 600W HPS veg &...
  20. zvuv

    Massive douche in grow shop

    Did you say something?.... oh God, she's squeezing them again..... I have to take a short break.... Back in a few....