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  1. DelSlow

    Irish Boy's 2011 Spectra Led Grow (Revenge Of Casey Jcnes))

    Ah shit Irish, sucks that the heat was messing with your plants so much. Looking foward to your next project. If you get yields like your 600 watt grow I'm going for those nutes ;)
  2. DelSlow

    99% of Marijuana card holders are growing illegally!!

    What if they repeal the mmj law? Will you continue to grow weed?
  3. DelSlow

    99% of Marijuana card holders are growing illegally!!

    Get off your "high" horse.
  4. DelSlow

    U.N. Treaty To Take Away Second Ammendment Rights

    Zombies....and rippers.
  5. DelSlow

    U.N. Treaty To Take Away Second Ammendment Rights

    I guess I'll have to obtain my firearms from the guy down the street. His trunk is usually full of goodies :)
  6. DelSlow

    I Am Not Dead

    You should have told me buck, I would have taken great care of your kitties/chickens/duck/weed ;)
  7. DelSlow

    Rioting and Looting.

    If I had a store I'd be out in front guarding it from looters.
  8. DelSlow

    Billionaire funding creation of artificial libertarian islands free of laws

    I live on an island and have everything you mentioned :lol:
  9. DelSlow

    Hawaii Growers

    You're probably right, I just wanna see some old skool rampage.
  10. DelSlow

    My BF is a dick!

    Lmao, he kicked you in the fucking head? COD is serious business, now you know.
  11. DelSlow

    Bachmann wins straw poll in Iowa

    ....his haircut? j/k j/k
  12. DelSlow

    Hawaii Growers

    I know where I'm going this weekend...
  13. DelSlow

    Hawaii Growers

    Lmao, I cheered when tito knocked down/choked Bader. I'm hoping for Rampage to murder jones.
  14. DelSlow

    Hawaii Growers

    holy shit, i think the guys dead lol! he's more suited for boxing i think, no need to worry about takedowns/kicks.
  15. DelSlow

    The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

    Dude, have you ever played football with black people? O.o
  16. DelSlow

    Bachmann wins straw poll in Iowa

    It just seems a bit hypocritical to rail against government/spending/subsidies while receiving them. That's all I was trying to point out, not trying to start a witch hunt or anything.
  17. DelSlow

    Bachmann wins straw poll in Iowa

    Doesn't her family receive farm subsidies?
  18. DelSlow

    The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

    Most media outlets, even FOX, are trying to downplay Ron Paul. What's up with that? I've seen 2 republican debates so far and he's the only guy who answers questions. Everyone else just dances around shit. And he doesn't give BS answers, he knows what he's talking about. It would really be...
  19. DelSlow

    The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

    Rick santorum is such a tool. Stfu and let Ron speak!
  20. DelSlow

    Silver! Who Is On This Train?

    Damn, I wish I had a time machine :wall: