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  1. LiEBE420

    How to bend your plant?

    ummmmmmmmmmm ummmm bend the plant? why would you want to bend the plant?
  2. LiEBE420

    Veg. with fluorescent, flower with 400w HPS

    i think you should use the 400 watt hps the whole time not just when your flowering. it will take 3-4 months veg and if you want to know how to have big bud sites you should look at UNLCE BENS TOPPING technique and he will give you an idea on how to have 2-4 main nodes when harvesting your fruit
  3. LiEBE420

    HOW MUCH WEED DO YOU SMOKE???.....I think i might be a stoner

    hahahhaha alright i smoke at least an ounce a month depending on quality. i have smoked up to a quad in a day of bunk seeded dry herb. but i stay away from that. prices are CA prices for bomb herb. i've seen it go for up to 450 an O but i would NEVER pay that much. usually its around...
  4. LiEBE420

    New Medical Smoker, I need help!

    have you tried going to the website "" and finding dispensaries near you? that site has dispensaries on google maps so its realllllly nice. some indica strains that you could look for are White Widow, Northern Lights, Afghan, A-K there are MANY strains for you. usually the...
  5. LiEBE420

    Woman Dies After Using Jackhammer As Dildo

    she must of been pretty butch to experiment that way, unless it was murder. either way its insane
  6. LiEBE420

    Gravity Bong

    yup yup whenever i'm feeling creative i'll make one
  7. LiEBE420

    I need some help fellas. looks fatal.

    yea your plants will be fine. none should die but your leaves all look funny besides being droopy. what kind of light do you have and are all the leaves getting even light?
  8. LiEBE420

    8 days from sprout. Do they look ok ?

    yea you look fine so far but it is a long process and you have a journey ahead of you
  9. LiEBE420

    Too much cow manure

    yea i also think you will be fine and you shouldn't worry twice.
  10. LiEBE420

    Lowryder #2 125Watts/250Watts CFL - Kind of first timer

    to be honest i think you should read this forum for hours more and soak up all the information. you will switch it to 12/12 whenever you want to flower the plant. usually when its about 4 or more feet high. you can either keep the light on 24/0 or 16/8. Personally i like 16/8, it takes a...
  11. LiEBE420

    Legal buds??? what is it excactly??

    mmmmm legal buds. legal buds are the same buds that you buy off the street just they are super bomb. legal buds have to be a certain quality or they wont sell them at clinics. to be honest i'm not really sure what you mean because "legal buds" is pretty vague. can you emphasis on what you mean?
  12. LiEBE420

    Which temp is more important?

    yea sounds like your fine. unless your having problems best bet is to not change a thing
  13. LiEBE420

    Northern lights and Afghan outdoors yield?

    yea i gotta agree with aim low so ur not too shocked when you only get 2-3 ounces per plant.
  14. LiEBE420

    Bad time to plant in FLA?

    yea all you have to know is when days and nights turn to 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of darkness (12/12). i know where i live its in september. if yours is the same you will have 3 months to veg before ur herbs will flower. happy growing!
  15. LiEBE420

    Bad time to plant in FLA?

    i think in florida you can plant your seeds anytime and the sun will always do the trick
  16. LiEBE420


    just do them. what you hear is garbage unless you took way too much for your body then i suppose you would trip insanely hard and anything is possible. first time only try an eighth
  17. LiEBE420

    I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream

    how long have you smoked pot for?
  18. LiEBE420

    BUBBA KUSH getting close? with uvb lights

    haha its all good at least your plant bears fruit :hump:
  19. LiEBE420

    is this true???

    yea i'm sure some fruit peels would be beneficial, maybe adding some source of nutrition
  20. LiEBE420


    yup too bad you cant just get clones