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  1. TimboSlice

    God's Haze Outdoor

    I'm living back at home until school starts again. I would risk my parents stumbling in on them.
  2. TimboSlice

    God's Haze Outdoor

    I really do not have that option, lol. I would if i could
  3. TimboSlice

    God's Haze Outdoor

    Day 7- Well it has been exactly one week since I have taken my pots to my location, and here are the results so far... Pot#1- Seedling is about 2 1/2 inchs tall, looking like it is trying to get closer to the sun. Stem is very thick and strong. Pot #2- Seedling M.I.A... I dug up a bit of...
  4. TimboSlice

    THCofgreen OUTDOOR GROW 09 30+ FEMALES

    Nice man, all the best to you! I hoping I also don't have any deer problems...
  5. TimboSlice

    Anyone Get New Glass Lately?

    thanks g00s, and nice bong btw poplars!
  6. TimboSlice

    Anyone Get New Glass Lately?

    This is my brand new bubbler... I call her "Glory Hole" Like most bubblers i have smoked, it helps give a fast high .
  7. TimboSlice

    [NEWS] 22,000 pot plants found outdoors, growers got away

    last summer, there was some dumb ass growers who planted over 300 plants in one single corn field.. they were asking to get busted.
  8. TimboSlice

    About to do this deal and I dont want to get ripped off...

    For me it works like that a lot also. But when I buy and ounce and help out a couple buddies, I consider myself dealing.
  9. TimboSlice

    Smoking Techniques

    Try taking a couple days of smoking every now and then. I find my tolerance lowers a lot by not smoking for a couple days.
  10. TimboSlice

    Whatcha gettin your old dude for fathers day?

    a coffin, J/k j/k.... I think my family is all pitching for a bbq.
  11. TimboSlice

    Canada's War on drugs...

    Here is a link to an article i just read, ... "The Liberals joined forces with the Conservatives to pass Canada's first mandatory minimum jail sentences for individuals convicted of drug dealing." Oh fuck... I hope I...
  12. TimboSlice

    Beeline Hemp String: The real story

    I've been wanting to try out some bee line for a while, just cant manage to find any at the head shops, and don't really want to buy online... Guess I'll just have to wait until I see them in stores...
  13. TimboSlice

    God's Haze Outdoor

    Well here is just a quick shot of the pots before I took them to the location. I should have my camera back by the next time i visit my grow loco, so I should have some nicer shots up. What would people recommend to do for any pests? I am just up from a small creek next to a swampy area. Are...
  14. TimboSlice

    God's Haze Outdoor

    southern ontario. Went to my location today, forgot to change from shorts to pants, had to trek through a field of poison ivy..... but, the pots are there with the sprouts just poking through.
  15. TimboSlice

    God's Haze Outdoor

    sorry, must have clicked on spell check
  16. TimboSlice

    God's Haze Outdoor

    Hey, Seeds- God's Haze Pots- Two 10 inch pots (biggest i could find at the stores) Soil- Dark earth, mixed with perlite Germination- Started Monday June 8th Tap roots- 48 hrs Both seeds germinated rather quickly, one tap root about 4mm and the other 6mm. Meant to take pictures but forgot... I...
  17. TimboSlice

    House Marked for Robbery

    TELL THE POLICE MANNNNNN!!! Just jokin'. This sounds fucked up man. i defiantly would carry that .45 everywherez
  18. TimboSlice

    Do you name your pipes??

    Scrap Sour Key, just thought of a name, Glory Hole!
  19. TimboSlice

    Do you name your pipes??

    my brand spankin' new bubbler. Not 100% on the name, but it looks like a Sour key, so that is it's temporary name.. Check out my sweet wallpaper lol.
  20. TimboSlice

    God's Haze Outdoor

    Well this is going to be my very first grow journal and hopefully everything is going to work out for me. The genetics are God's Haze from Duke of Cannabis. ( ) Initially I wasn't planning on starting a grow journal, but thought...