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  1. maturesmoker

    Mature goes perpetual :-)

    Cheers RS, SICC & tamjam. Hi tags, yes they're OK, they're the same ones I been using :-) Are you going to add some blue in there? some 6500kelvin 'daylight' bulbs? There's a company called "Ecofriendlylightbulbs" UK, have a good online service for bulbs its hard to get locally. Another quick...
  2. maturesmoker

    PC Case grow - Stealth + Perpetual + LST

    All looking great in the box as usual. That's a healthy enough harvest v12 :-) infact for its size that's very good. I'd be happy with that anyday. Just sent you a long reply to your PM mate, so long I had to split it in 2 PM's! be interested to hear your thoughts. Let us know how Dusty does...
  3. maturesmoker

    Tamjam ditched the HPS ! cfl micro grow

    Hi mate, You can always bury some of that stem later, don't worry about it, it'll stop :-) Re clones, well you can take cuttings at any stage and they will root, but I'd agree that a couple of weeks into flowering (or earlier) is the best time as the stems are still soft and the plants are...
  4. maturesmoker

    Mature goes perpetual :-)

    Thanks for the comments all:-) and V12 I agree that MsAngel is looking good :-) But there's hardly anything between her and Perspicacia as you would expect. Here's some more shots of them together, both are nice and low to the pot which is my ideal point of flowering. Also a shot of the 2...
  5. maturesmoker

    Changing light cycle???

    Simply extend the dark cycle to change the timer, no stress at all to the plant. Its always best to extend the dark period and 24 hours of darkness will do her no harm, trust me :-)
  6. maturesmoker

    Tamjam ditched the HPS ! cfl micro grow

    Hi mate, get the coffee on, I'm here :-) Subscribed! Well thought out cab, you put a lot of thought and planning into that. Should do well out of that. The clones are looking great, loads of growth since I last saw them. Good luck with it :-) And don't worry, between the 2 of us we will make...
  7. maturesmoker

    Mature goes perpetual :-)

    So, its day 38 of 12/12 for 'Trinny' the Mazar, its day 17 of 12/12 for the 2 mutant Snow White clones. Lots of pics today showing all of the plants at various stages. In the veg box are 'Agatha' who's due to go 12/12 on Wednesday and 'Cynthia' who will be my bonsai mother for the Snow White...
  8. maturesmoker

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    I swear Barbie looks more seductive every time I see her!!! :-) ...... those shots really made me laugh, thanks for indulging my fantasy :-) But seriously, the buds are great and sounds like they deliver a good cerebral hit too. Great grow JS ..... (You must spread some rep etc etc...)
  9. maturesmoker

    PBF Factory- NL, Hollands Hope, Strawberry Cough hybrid +

    Nice harvest PBF :-) So you're changing to HPS?
  10. maturesmoker

    White Rhino under CFLs

    Hi RS :-) Looking good there, really nice bushy growth. Nice cabinet, certainly no lack of height!!!!
  11. maturesmoker

    Mature goes perpetual :-)

    Hi V12 and thanks for the comments :-) Re Odour control, well yes, you are right of course BUT the way I grow I really cant do it! I have my cab open morning to night, part of my daily routine, I move my plants a round the house and they go outside on sunny days! Besides: ......... Since I was...
  12. maturesmoker

    3RD Time's a Charm- Bagseed and Crazy Clone

    They're loving it alright bigman! Those just look so healthy :-)
  13. maturesmoker

    PC Case grow - Stealth + Perpetual + LST

    tom-420, if you read the thread you will see that V12 counts day one of flowering from first pistils, not day 1 of 12/12 so you need to add another 12/14 days! That makes her closer to 70 days I believe which is pretty much good for any Kush strain I have grown? V12, let us know how she is when...
  14. maturesmoker

    Tamjam's 2nd grow Snow White 250w

    Wow. just look at those roots, that's one healthy plant mate! Lovely harvest :-)
  15. maturesmoker

    Mature goes perpetual :-)

    Thanks for subscribing strictlyblunts :-) I think the key is in planning and keeping track of dates etc to ensure a true perpetual harvest but thats why these threads are useful tools as well as fun :-) Gumball, sicc & jjmd, thanks once again :-) UPDATE: day 13 of 12/12 for the 2 mutant SW...
  16. maturesmoker

    Tamjam's 2nd grow Snow White 250w

    What can I say mate? Beautiful buds! Tint of colour in them too? They look really chunky. Nice shots too :-)
  17. maturesmoker

    Mature goes perpetual :-)

    Your'e right mate, thought "sod it" :-) I have got rechargables but cant find the charger!!! I'll have to get a new one. UPDATE: Going to do this the easy way!! saved a lot of typing by just writing a little note for each plant :-) Its good to be able to follow individual plants progress this...
  18. maturesmoker

    Mature goes perpetual :-)

    Cheers mate :-) Its lovely here today too, full of visitors though! The mrs has just bumped into Ann Widecombe over on the beach, shes campaigning with the tory candidate but Cleggs getting our vote. Nice lady though, I must name a plant after her :-) had a couple of ciders myself so dont worry...
  19. maturesmoker

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    All superlatives have already been used JS so I'll just add 'great buds' :-) Going to be a bountiful harvest. So are we going to see Barbie posing seductively behind a sparkling bud now? :-) Been a great thread to follow, relaxed and friendly, been a pleasure watching that little clone...
  20. maturesmoker

    PC Case grow - Stealth + Perpetual + LST

    INteresting! Like you I'm not looking for huge yields and atm I'm using the SUN wherever I can and they love it. Still behind glass but they still respond well to it I'm certain of that. I'll see how Trinny does. From about 11am the suns full on the back of the house all day so they will soon be...