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  1. G

    A Fool and a Hermie Seed

    parent, and i was just 1 parent(hermie), was a highgrade-seeds brainwreck it's parentage is supposedly a trainwreck x white widow cross - breeder lists this as a 50-50 sativa/indica definitely a fair amount of indica, but fairly sativa like in the upper leaves the parent's smoke was was quite...
  2. G

    A Fool and a Hermie Seed

    getting a bit more interesting, 2 1/2 weeks into flower 1st thing, no balls yet, all pistils - but i've learned to take my time before celebrating parent definitely showed the hermie trait at this point in flowering, that's 1 difference offspring is a bit shorter, right around 14 inches...
  3. G

    32 Gallon Trash Can Stealth Idea/Design

    i can vouch for the basic idea, there are the occasional trash can grow logs(not many) i used the idea to custom build a trash can(kind of) from aluminum flashing, let me get the exact size i wanted so it will work if setup properly
  4. G

    Please Help! PPP Drooping @ 1 Month?

    water sounds fairly good, might be better if the outflow ph was a bit lower, but not sure what it should be with this soil i did read all I could on this stuff in trying to save my 1st plant best i can tell, there is a ph zone that MGMC likes, get outside of it, and things unravel but not sure...
  5. G

    Highlife seeds scam? Or is Attitude starting to "sell" our private info?

    i think you nailed this pretty solid, future sale for sure i think i can guess the deal, the original site says 'we won't sell your info' but if they sell out their biz, then prior customers add value to the sale(a lot of value)
  6. G

    Please Help! PPP Drooping @ 1 Month?

    deja vu, i use the MG organic(that is the organic garden) - not a bad soil at all i will suggest you treat for it fungus gnats, they seem pretty prevalent in this soil but the gnats are very killable, some use mosquito dunks, i pasteurize at 180 degrees(which kills all pests)
  7. G

    Please Help! PPP Drooping @ 1 Month?

    if you have a larger proportion of perlite, over watering becomes a bit less likely, perlite tends to dry things out(improved drainage) there are good grows with the time release soils, but they are trickier soils less new grower friendly, they seem to have a narrow zone where everything is happy
  8. G

    Please Help! PPP Drooping @ 1 Month?

    that makes things a little clearer, and you're right you do want to prevent salt buildup it's better to water enough each time so there is some outflow, 1/4 of the water coming out as outflow is often recommended the perlite and whatnot could be some of the time release stuff, but it could be...
  9. G

    Please Help! PPP Drooping @ 1 Month?

    it does look limp, even with the white, so it could be over watering my guess is that's not just over watering, something wasn't looking good so you gave it the heavy watering? but letting it dry for a bit is probably as good as anything you can do for the moment
  10. G

    Please Help! PPP Drooping @ 1 Month?

    it's hard to see the 1st pic, kind of a white look i did use MGMC for my 1st grow, not a good experience - some seem to have good luck with it you may not have a good result from flushing it, that can release too much nute from the time release pills
  11. G

    Highlife seeds scam? Or is Attitude starting to "sell" our private info?

    i think that sums up why some of us won't use a CC and our address the thought of this practice, which seems to have been outed here
  12. G

    Pot Size?

    i use 2 gallon pots, plants getting no taller than about 30 inches(so far) but that's the size i like
  13. G

    Attitude Hacked Again? Looks Like It

    my bad - must have had a dyslexic moment(no ex-employee involvement) so, maybe we can get back to the original topic i had mentioned i got the bogus newsletter with RIU info on it - kind of crude phishing but only RIU had that email address, never used attitude, so a little concerned with that -...
  14. G

    First Time Grow CFL Using LST, Advice Needed!

    could be, if you don't know what the pH is, you're at the mercy of your water supply
  15. G

    Did I Pay 50$ to Get My Personal Information Stolen?

    i'll try to give you some peace of mind, they do look like they were hacked, but it shouldn't be any worse than any other business you've dealt with personal info is already pretty much out there, not too clear if any credit card stuff has been compromised i'd say LEO worries should be about...
  16. G

    Highlife seeds scam? Or is Attitude starting to "sell" our private info?

    i have posted this before, but seems appropriate for the thread the tale of Elite Genetics,and his 'bank' was much discussed here, plenty of links to it Elite was operating in the USA, not only the USA but in Indiana - one of the worst states for MJ law and his business address, was his grow...
  17. G

    Attitude Hacked Again? Looks Like It

    i think this is the 1st mention i've seen of an ex RIU employee i did get the newsletter(which is supposedly bogus), and only riu has that mail address, i've never dealt with attitude at all there appear to be some riu issues - not saying this had much impact, just spam really, but 1st issue...
  18. G

    Need Help Asap! Marijuana Plant Disease!

    i think that was a relatively 'hot' amount of epsom salt, but that's from memory, i used the stuff once for a plant problem(didn't help) you might flush as chillwills suggested, could transplant to new soil, which is more drastic, but does create a clean slate
  19. G

    Need Help Asap! Marijuana Plant Disease!

    i would ask how much epsom salt you used - that probably wasn't a good thing to do such a small plant would have been unlikely to used up the magnesium in the soil
  20. G

    Genetically Engineered Spider Mite

    i bought a commercial product, it was a mix of rosemary, peppermint, thyme, and clove oil i have read that rosemary is the potent mite-icde, so can't say i've had the 'pure' rosemary experience can't recall the name of what i bought, but it was effective, i was knee deep in mites at 4 weeks i...