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  1. Charlie Green

    Please help! discolored light green leafs & burning from edges inward

    Well pH seems to be good. my soil is 6.5 and my water is 8.4 and it's fine. i think that your light have may done that. :blsmoke: Just keep doing what ur doing and i think you'll be fine. :roll:
  2. Charlie Green

    Who knows about Ghost of Ghana 100% sativa?

    i think this is uniq one. coz i get it from under the desk.
  3. Charlie Green

    Ghost of Ghana 100% sativa???

    yup i heart that also. need to find out more about this
  4. Charlie Green

    sad plants.. help!

    too much water i think or huminity is not right... not so sure... i hope they get fine for both of u. :roll:
  5. Charlie Green

    Please help! discolored light green leafs & burning from edges inward

    Hmmm... i think pH is not so good. maybe its too alkaline? i bet it's 8.0 with water and soil. Well im not an expert at all and im not sure about it. It may be that. or too much those nutriens. DO u have nutrians and do u have pH device? :blsmoke:
  6. Charlie Green

    Ghost of Ghana 100% sativa???

    Mate i allready have them... whats the point "looking" that traveling thai:blsmoke:
  7. Charlie Green

    How long is White Widow life time?

    Thanks alot for that advice mate! :blsmoke:
  8. Charlie Green

    How long is White Widow life time?

    I planted about 3 weeks ago several White Widow plants. Now thy are about 20cm. When is good time to put them in flowering? how many cm about and how much time has to be when they are ready for flowering. Thanks! :blsmoke:
  9. Charlie Green

    Can you cut leaves from 3 week old plant?

    Yeah this is indoor grow indeed. Thanks for that info. I wont cut them at all. I let them grow how ever plants want. I let the nature lead the way. Thanks all for comments. :blsmoke:
  10. Charlie Green

    Ghost of Ghana 100% sativa???

    Hi guys! I got some 100% sativa seeds called "Ghost of Ghana" i tried to look some info about it but i dont find any. I need to know abou this plant, so anyone who can help me, i'll be very thankful. Thank you. :blsmoke: Seed Bag Info (FROM SEED BANK): Advanced Genetics - Unspoiled 100%...
  11. Charlie Green

    Can you cut leaves from 3 week old plant?

    thanks mate! :blsmoke:
  12. Charlie Green

    Who knows about Ghost of Ghana 100% sativa?

    No this is real shit from a seed bank. :blsmoke:
  13. Charlie Green

    Who knows about Ghost of Ghana 100% sativa?

    I remade this topic another gategory: <- continue there. Hi guys! I got some 100% sativa seeds called "Ghost of Ghana" i tried to look some info about it but i dont find any. I need to know abou this plant, so...
  14. Charlie Green

    THC producing plant that doesnt look like marijuana

    Guys keep it oldschool... in future we are seeking that original marijuana plant... Dont find easy ways to get hie from the goverment laws... just overthrow them. Fight for your freedom... who tell's you what to smoke or what not to grow in your very own home.. fuck them... peace! :blsmoke:
  15. Charlie Green

    THC producing plant that doesnt look like marijuana

    Here is few marijuana pics :spew:
  16. Charlie Green

    Can you cut leaves from 3 week old plant?

    they are about 15cm high. i think i turn flowering on about 30cm.
  17. Charlie Green

    Something you need to know

    indeed mate indeed bongsmilie
  18. Charlie Green

    Something you need to know

    visit Zeitgeist - The Movie <- documentary. bongsmilie
  19. Charlie Green

    When your leaves are ready for hash production

    I need to know when is good time to harvest leaves for hash? :dunce:
  20. Charlie Green

    Can you cut leaves from 3 week old plant?

    I dont know mate i think they can also make it in that pot, but i just need to trimm them into a good shape for grow nice. So can i cut them in that age of time? :blsmoke: