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  1. nowstopwhining

    Lacy's Indoor Grow??? (lots of questions)

    Well get on it.
  2. nowstopwhining

    My pot movie

    Hell yeah man im glad all the hard work is payin off. :blsmoke::peace::mrgreen:
  3. nowstopwhining

    fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

    Im alllllrrreeaadddddy deeeeaaadddd
  4. nowstopwhining

    P.P.P. x Blueberry x Sativa.(Full gro with pics)

    Natmoooon :peace::joint:
  5. nowstopwhining

    4x4 600W SCROG 3rd wk flower

    The buds will definitely be killer :mrgreen::peace::joint:
  6. nowstopwhining

    4x4 600W SCROG 3rd wk flower

    Thanks man Heres a link to nats grow, enjoy!
  7. nowstopwhining

    What to do when your close friends want a share of your harvest?

    If you really feel this way just tell him exactly what you just said here and im sure he will understand. Just tell him you will be the one smoking HIM out with YOUR weed not the other way around. The advice he gave you is what friends do for eachother, you dont owe him anything for that. I...
  8. nowstopwhining

    4x4 600W SCROG 3rd wk flower

    thanks man, only problem im gonna have with this is the lack of variety. hahahaha It doesnt really matter to me what strain it is though, they are all great strains when grown properly. I LOVE NATMOONS AIRBASKET, I never have to worry about overwatering, the soil stays soaked almost all the...
  9. nowstopwhining

    4x4 600W SCROG 3rd wk flower

    hahaha thanks for the support, thats what im hoping to find out. If only the plant would have been grown through the screen instead of bent under it when it was put into the flowering chamber, that would have made the screen much fuller and the yield would have been a lot better. Oh well theres...
  10. nowstopwhining

    4x4 600W SCROG 3rd wk flower

    thanks msd. I dunno a few more weeks, I let the plants tell me when they are ready. :mrgreen::peace:
  11. nowstopwhining

    Next Big Indoor Grow 20+ plants

    No maintenance at all. Just flush it every once in a while like you would any other pot. I recommend you fill it with a soilless grow medium like pro-mix or some kind of coco grow medium. The air basket makes the plant 100% resistent to overwatering and I can feed much more due to the faster...
  12. nowstopwhining

    My glass on glass double perc bong, cannabutter, and buds

    hell yeah man, tripping can be very enjoyable, enlightening, and just plain old fun! :peace::joint:
  13. nowstopwhining

    My glass on glass double perc bong, cannabutter, and buds

    Hahaha thanks fellers :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace::joint:
  14. nowstopwhining

    4x4 600W SCROG 3rd wk flower

    thanks man, Ill get some tomorrow just for you. :peace::joint::mrgreen: Where the hell have you been man?
  15. nowstopwhining

    My glass on glass double perc bong, cannabutter, and buds

    Oh my! Its fucking sick. Nice, thick, very high quality. I fucking love it, I can honestly say its comparable to my buddies 600 dollar Roor. is where I got it. Only cost $104.50!!!!!! Oh and heres a little cannabutter I made a couple days ago. And last I have...
  16. nowstopwhining

    4x4 600W SCROG 3rd wk flower

    Well here it is...It took me forever to get the fucking pictures on photobucket otherwise you would have been able to see it from the start. The start of this plant can be found in my last grow (next big indoor grow 20+ plants) Anyways the strain is a mystery to me at this point because I...
  17. nowstopwhining

    Next Big Indoor Grow 20+ plants

    Its a design straight from natmoon one of our fellow members. You take a pond plant basket and then an air pump and place an airstone at the bottom of the basket right under the rootball of the plant. You can keep the soil absolutely soaked and full of nutes because of the air pump
  18. nowstopwhining

    Lacy's Indoor Grow??? (lots of questions)

    Yo niggie hows it hangin.
  19. nowstopwhining

    BigGuyTok'n's Outdoor Grow 2008

    Dotn worry about those few that got a little toasted. They should recover and flower pretty nicely. Lookin good man :peace::joint:
  20. nowstopwhining

    day 29 flower w/pics check it out !

    9 plants? I had 16-18 plants under my 600 watter and almost got a pound of nice dense nugs.