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  1. JohneyGreenApple

    Looking for headbnd seeds from a reputable bank

    Bump! bump! HUMP the bump! We need replies here Smokin'RUbber!
  2. JohneyGreenApple

    1000w from seed to flower... who does it?

    Does anyone start their seedlings under 1000w, I mean if you already have you big boy going why not just throw some seedlings under it and let them take in some rayz?:leaf:
  3. JohneyGreenApple

    Root Clone Test - pictures

    I agree with pterzw but I dont think anyone listened to my input on this.... Go back a page and read up. Its a sure way to keep genetics and especially if you dont have room in the grow room for that clone plant or in the winter if you dont have a grow room..... well there you go! Think outside...
  4. JohneyGreenApple

    mini purple harvest... ready?

    I will second that REVEGGING MOVE from the jury, Revert her to veggin and let her grow out some good new branches and then take and clone the shit out of here, once you have eh 10 good rooted clones then you can chop her down if she gets to lenky and outta control. Shes a good bitch to have though!
  5. JohneyGreenApple

    flower power

    Yeah I also am new to this theory, where is it based from? What is the difference in the end results?
  6. JohneyGreenApple

    Looking for headbnd seeds from a reputable bank

    I would also like to know! Subscribed!:leaf:
  7. JohneyGreenApple

    how to uncompress it..

    Sorry I totally forgot the point of this thread othere than to make a funny, Take yourself a vegtable steamer and let it steam slowly breaking it into smaller and smaller chunks. Or take a crockpot and boil it like a lobster... OOPS another funny, no seriously now.... take the crockpot and puta...
  8. JohneyGreenApple

    how to uncompress it..

    Sad part is I've seen shit like that go for over a G for that kilo! Nasty shit and will never do itsself justice and neither will the "mafia" or the cartel that is running that shit! Try and snail your way away from that idiot and find a new possey you poor groupe.... POR FAVOR!:bigjoint:
  9. JohneyGreenApple

    Root Clone Test - pictures

    It is perfect if you live in a place with a harsh winter such as canada, See heres where it all starts: You have harvested your plants in the fall time and a month has gone by, your buds are all dried and cured now and you have your smoke in hand. You light up that spliff when you find that...
  10. JohneyGreenApple

    No private massages?

    Its all good, after 25 posts I can now send pm's:peace:
  11. JohneyGreenApple

    Track a Cell Phone

    Haha it didnt give me that option until I made 25 posts! Thank god for this thread where I made my 25th post lol!:bigjoint:
  12. JohneyGreenApple

    Track a Cell Phone

    Hey maybe you can help me, I have been trying to send pm's but I cant......... I checked my settings and they are all good, Whats the deal?
  13. JohneyGreenApple

    Track a Cell Phone

    I bet you never seen this one coming.... She has been doing this all along sir, Im so sorry! LMFAO!:clap:
  14. JohneyGreenApple

    Track a Cell Phone

    That is absolutly hilarious!:blsmoke:
  15. JohneyGreenApple

    No private massages?

    Closet Growth, I followed your journals before when I had a account before. Since I forgot the password to my account and wasnt able to get back on it, I created this one. Now I cant send private messages....Whats the deal?:blsmoke:
  16. JohneyGreenApple

    When Can I "PM" ?

    Hey guys< I am wondering which I cannot pm or get them yet? Any knowledge?
  17. JohneyGreenApple

    No private massages?

    Bump bump bump
  18. JohneyGreenApple

    No private massages?

    Bump, still no pm working? Why wont it work you guys?
  19. JohneyGreenApple

    Well im at 20 lol it still wont let me pm you!

    Well im at 20 lol it still wont let me pm you!
  20. JohneyGreenApple

    music in the growroom

    IF your good at singing you could always sing to your girls and that would produce co2 for them to thrive on. Just depends on how motivated you are to put out your new album or go do a opera show!:weed: