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  1. Calijuana

    My Last grow my wife will EVER let me do. WTF is happening 2 my Plants Plz Advise K+

    Also, if I were you, look for new growth that is not damaged - there is a good change what was damaged won't become undamaged.. but new growth should be normal if u fixed the problem. Don't lose heart. I overwatered a couple of my plants severely and wanted to pull them but now they pulled...
  2. Calijuana

    My Last grow my wife will EVER let me do. WTF is happening 2 my Plants Plz Advise K+

    If she doesn't want you buying seeds online maybe you will get 1 male 1 fem and make seeds. or take clones? idk. If it were my last grow I'd just keep them and see what you can get.. it can't really hurt.. just try to forget about their problems =] good luck
  3. Calijuana

    Metal Halide VS High Pressure Sodium FLOWERING

    Would this work on a digital/electronic ballast? It runs both HPS and MH.. I wonder.
  4. Calijuana

    why isnt there resin on my plants?

    I'm nowhere near experienced but I've always heard that the buds explode within the last few weeks.. so really you should try leaving them a bit longer, if it doesn't work then it's something else (obviously) good luck. keep goin for it.
  5. Calijuana

    Calijuana's First Grow - 1000w MH/HPS - All Feminised Seeds

    They actually really grew since those pictures now, They are getting many nodes and are looking even better! Pics will come tommorow night!
  6. Calijuana

    Calijuana's First Grow - 1000w MH/HPS - All Feminised Seeds

    Hey, very sorry I didn't get around to putting them up last night but I did take pics of em. BTW I transplanted the largest one into a 3.5 gallon bucket and also started feeding nutes very lightly. The large plant seems to be liking it and they have grown a little since last night, but I...
  7. Calijuana

    Should I help the sprout?

    Oh but FYI, If you can at all, keep a humidity dome with it - I think this may be a major factor in these types of seedlings surviving - only reason is that I think premature seedlings can die from drying out - maybe this is what happened to other peoples, mine worked very well in a humidity...
  8. Calijuana

    Calijuana's First Grow - 1000w MH/HPS - All Feminised Seeds

    Thanks much. Will post more updates tonight with some new pics. :weed:
  9. Calijuana

    Should I help the sprout?

    Hey man, I wouldn't worry at all. Seriously like 3 or more of my 5 sprouts looked like this when they first popped, they really don't turn green until like 24 hours later I think. Each of my seedlings that looked like that are turning out very healthy. So no worries, treat em right and they will...
  10. Calijuana

    Should I help the sprout?

    Oh and I would put it under the cfls soon after the first tiny seedling leaves begin turning a nice green color. Some might say earlier, I'm not sure. I had mine on my windowsill until they were green and then stuck em under the light.
  11. Calijuana

    Should I help the sprout?

    I'm going to have to disagree with the other guy and say take it off.. I admit I don't have much experience, but about 3 of my plants needed help getting out of their shells and as soon as they did they seemed to be happy and began growing. It also might not make a difference, but i felt better...
  12. Calijuana

    Aurora Indica clones..first grow

    Looking excellent. :) Keep up the good work!
  13. Calijuana

    Covering a window

    Hey man, I have a perfect solution that you should be able to find, I just found it at my GF's house and took it, but I used a super-heavy duty garbage bag. I mean super heavy duty, you could probably hold over 100 lbs in one of them if you wanted. It's just really dark plastic and since its a...
  14. Calijuana

    Lowlife lighting?

    Yes, it's 18/6 or more light for veg, then 12/12 for flowering. Good luck. :)
  15. Calijuana

    Calijuana's First Grow - 1000w MH/HPS - All Feminised Seeds

    bump^^^^^^^^^^^^ Any comments/criticism/help welcomed. :weed:
  16. Calijuana

    Calijuana's First Grow - 1000w MH/HPS - All Feminised Seeds

    Thanks muchly! It's actually adjoining to my bedroom and I use the bathroom outside of my bedroom - this is so if anyone comes over I can simply lock my bedroom door and no one will be the wiser :D :weed:
  17. Calijuana

    Calijuana's First Grow - 1000w MH/HPS - All Feminised Seeds

    Hi all! Here are the pics I promised. They are looking good, as far as I can tell! I'm just sort of winging it with watering, waiting till they feel pretty dry then giving them a small watering (but not too small). It seems to be working out well! I think I have figured out which plants are...
  18. Calijuana

    Calijuana's First Grow - 1000w MH/HPS - All Feminised Seeds

    Hi Wild, thanks for your reply. They seem to be great to grow so far, and I will keep updating now as soon as I can. Speaking of which, sorry I haven't updated at all since about a week, I have final exams right now so don't really have time to take too many pics. However they have been...
  19. Calijuana

    Grow Stores...

    They are very nice and helpful where I live. No ID needed and I probably look under 20 (I am)