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  1. xXMaslanXx

    whats best?

    Ok im thinking about my next grow....I really wanna do 10 plants 10 strains.. is that a good idea or should I just stick with 1 or 2 strains ???
  2. xXMaslanXx

    Thank you very much, I harvested my buds last week, I just started curing yesterday :) they are...

    Thank you very much, I harvested my buds last week, I just started curing yesterday :) they are looking real nice....but ive never seen weed like the one I grew :/
  3. xXMaslanXx

    Blue's first grow: Northern Lights 400W MH/HPS

    FUCKING BEAUTIFUL! Nice job so far bro :)
  4. xXMaslanXx


    can I just make some butter ?? I wanna make some food lol
  5. xXMaslanXx


    What can I do with the leafs?? lol I have a lot right now... can I dry them and smoke em lol ??? or can I make something with them??? :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
  6. xXMaslanXx

    Quick question

    Quick question...when curing how many times should I check (burp) my buds for? do i do it a few times then I can store it for a long time? or should I be burping it everyday? Thanks :leaf:
  7. xXMaslanXx

    How much longer do u think?

    i grabbed 2 55w 2700k lights tonight, I'm gonna put them in in the morning
  8. xXMaslanXx

    How much longer do u think?

    Ok hold on.....what cfls should I be using?
  9. xXMaslanXx

    How much longer do u think?

    I know that, but its like Ive never had the room and I never had the money but Ive been saving and I should have my new grow tent set up bu feb :) and Im really existed for that
  10. xXMaslanXx

    How much longer do u think?

    Umm im using 6 100w cfls...well the turn out to be 100 watts...Im not trying to get new lights right now cuz my next one is gonna be a 1000w MH/HPS grow :) Im not to worried about how long it takes Ill be willing to wait Ill post some better pix in the morning when she wakes up
  11. xXMaslanXx

    How much longer do u think?

    lol today is day 104 in flowering... and I veged for 2 months....soooo its like almost 6 months old
  12. xXMaslanXx

    How much longer do u think?

    more pix :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
  13. xXMaslanXx

    How much longer do u think?

    13 days thinking about harvesting on the 20th what do u guys think?:leaf:
  14. xXMaslanXx

    Flowering Just Need Some Tips This Is My 1st Female In A While

    Im thinking about harvesting on the 20th Id like some feedback on what u think
  15. xXMaslanXx

    Flowering Just Need Some Tips This Is My 1st Female In A While

    I really dont care if people are just hangin around lookin at pix I have like 20 questions posted and no one even wants to give me any feedback
  16. xXMaslanXx

    Bump If You're Baked!

    bummpin bump bump bumpo
  17. xXMaslanXx

    Blue's first grow: Northern Lights 400W MH/HPS

    lookin good man
  18. xXMaslanXx

    Flowering Just Need Some Tips This Is My 1st Female In A While

    Well its day 100 in my flowering room but like anyone on here even gives a shit Ill post back when I harvest....I probly wont even do that thanks for nothin everyone :leaf: