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  1. X

    Standard English Homegrown

    I prefer the damp stuff to the contamo. Id rather not smoke a spliff than have to relight the bastard everytime you toke
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    Standard English Homegrown

    Anyone else have to resort to this bud now and again? The crappy dark damp type that doesnt grind and doesnt really get you that stoned. My question is, why do people grow it? I can get this bud anytime, off a few different people, and its all exactly the same. Is this a strain of weed? Or a...
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    WTF is up with the server for this site?!?!?!?

    Yesterday i couldn't get on the site at all, just kept timing out. Thought it might be because so many people using the site though.
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    g00sEgg's 1st Medical Grow-WW, Afghan Kush, and Quiksilver

    Hey man, hows it going? Good luck with the grow :). What wattage are your CFL's? I only ask because i need to get some for my grow, are you gonna use them for the whole of the vegetation stage?
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    plant sexing help???

    I think it may be too early, but if you'd like me to guess id say its gonna be a girl :)
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    Stealth Dry Box, toss me some input (PICS)

    Thats perfect, im definately turning my pc case to grow box. No one would suspect a thing :).
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    Stealth Dry Box, toss me some input (PICS)

    lol. Really? Surely it'd need more room than that? I need to be stealthy so growing in a space as small as that would be ideal.
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    Stealth Dry Box, toss me some input (PICS)

    Which is why its in the harvesting/ curing section right..? Im so dumb. In that case, im genuinelly impressed with your creation xD. Xami.
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    Stealth Dry Box, toss me some input (PICS)

    Im impressed :) its the sorta thing i need.. I didn't realise you could grow in such a small place.. How would you get the light all around the plant? Xami.
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    Damn!.... How much would this suck?

    Awwwww no. Thats so funny but must be so frustrating! Good deeds are not worth doin...
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    Just what i need.

    Thanks man :) i'll be sure to make a grow diary if i can pull it off
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    West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum

    What d'you reckon to the new kasabian album? I think its pretty damn good, looking forward to seeing them in wolverhampton! Anyone else going? Xami.
  13. X

    Just what i need.

    Hi everyone, Thought id register as this site is just what i was looking for to help me with my grows. Iv tried growing once before and was actually going alright until it met my mother :cuss:.. But nevermind, im starting a more stealthy grow soon and hopefully this time my plants will reach...