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  1. TheDemocrat

    Going Rogue, An American Life

    [/SIZE]Almost as in, a democrat won. So let me see if I got this, it doesn't matter how smart she is.
  2. TheDemocrat

    post your favorite Palin quote

    "I think on a national level your Department of Law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we've been charged with and automatically throw them out." --Sarah Palin, referring to a department that does not exist while attempting to explain why as president she wouldn't be...
  3. TheDemocrat

    Only 38% support Obamacare

    you and your fucking trolling bullshit. I am forced to buy car insurance. If you have a mortgage, you are required to buy home owners insurance.
  4. TheDemocrat

    post your favorite Palin quote

    This is one of my favorites. "Well, let's see. There's ― of course in the great history of America there have been rulings that there's never going to be absolute consensus by every American, and there are those issues, again, like Roe v. Wade, where I believe are best held on a state...
  5. TheDemocrat

    Only 38% support Obamacare

    Guess it depends where you look. Majority in U.S. Favors Healthcare Reform This Year Controlling costs a higher priority than expanding coverage by Jeffrey M. Jones PRINCETON, NJ -- As U.S. House leaders unveil a plan to reform the U.S. healthcare system, a USA Today/Gallup poll finds 56% of...
  6. TheDemocrat

    Sarah Palin supporters

    She is stupid, she never answers a question. They asked her about aides and she says, we need to cut taxes.....
  7. TheDemocrat

    LOSING HOPE, GALLUP: Approval Down

    Obama is doing just fine. We knew when we voted for him the wing nuts would give it everything they have.'s not working. Those of us who voted for him will vote for him again in 2012. The wings nuts can yell all they want, no one is paying attention. blah blah blah.............
  8. TheDemocrat

    Articles of Interest...

    Heritage's stated mission is to "formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense."
  9. TheDemocrat

    Going Rogue, An American Life

    So you agree with me? She didn't write the book and I seriously doubt she has read it....and that's the TRUTH.
  10. TheDemocrat

    Going Rogue, An American Life

    Lynn Vincent wrote this book. I doubt seriously if Sarah Palin could spell rogue and I am sure someone had to explain what it means to her.
  11. TheDemocrat

    I whupped FDD's A-S-S

    I have whupped wikid so many times at pool....
  12. TheDemocrat

    I sure do miss

    He needs a bigger badge.
  13. TheDemocrat

    jealous women- who knows one?

    You guys are pitiful.
  14. TheDemocrat

    Post a hottie

  15. TheDemocrat

    I sure do miss

    And your point is?
  16. TheDemocrat

    I sure do miss

    Spewing coke from an ass.........???
  17. TheDemocrat

    Looking for a dealer

    you better get home sicc.....
  18. TheDemocrat

    Post a hottie

  19. TheDemocrat

    I sure do miss

    How was that negative?
  20. TheDemocrat

    I sure do miss