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  1. acexxacer

    First Grow Early Diesel Ryder (with pics)

    i say remove them there probably turning yellow because of nute burn or something
  2. acexxacer

    Northern Lights Cola

    damn thats one fine lookin bud
  3. acexxacer

    Stoner408 jock horror part.ii

    wow that looks increadible i might get that strain in my next order
  4. acexxacer

    101 Already Asked Questions

    how do i get my plant to branch out?
  5. acexxacer

    ace's first grow

    new pics \ also anyone got any tips on pest control(ie:aphids slugs/snails etc.)
  6. acexxacer

    ace's first grow

    i might move my whole operation inside is a light with these stats good? 14-watt 3000K
  7. acexxacer

    ace's first grow

    nobodys answered the main question do males produce seeds and can those seeds be female?
  8. acexxacer

    ace's first grow

    ^so thats a no?
  9. acexxacer

    ace's first grow

    quick question can male plants produce female seeds or am i just royally screwed if its male? any help would be awesome
  10. acexxacer

    ace's first grow

    my first grow just some bagseed tell me how im doing feb24 march3 today btw can someone help me sex this thing?
  11. acexxacer

    my first grow

    ^thank you when i first saw it i thought i was trippin or something lol ^^thank you
  12. acexxacer

    my first grow

    ^^its female if it grows the pistels(sp?) right? ^thankyou
  13. acexxacer

    my first grow

    Hello! im a new member here looking for help on my first grow. i found this plant around a month ago growing wildly on the curb. i carefully dug it out and put it in my backyard. i estimate the plant to be around 6 weeks old.i need some advise on growing and when it will begin budding thank you...