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  1. Hey Psssst

    Teabaggers Least Popular Political Group In The United States (NY Times Article)

    what happened to separation of church & state... another cherished US saying... the churches that get near politics should lose tax exemptions... theres a trillion income over 10 years... funny in canada no one asks our leaders what or even if they go to church... don't care...usually the...
  2. Hey Psssst

    fluroscent ( t5 ) lighting.. how do they compare with CFL'S or LED?

    best vegging/seedling lights you can buy...
  3. Hey Psssst

    here is your problem

    God..bachman...dumb as dirty. palin.... tramp breeder extraordinaire...who sounds like a valley girls and makes my bag hairs stand on end.. and coulter....politics version of creepella....who makes my dick want to turtle...
  4. Hey Psssst

    just noticed the "introduce yourself" section

  5. Hey Psssst

    Please Help!

    I like 1/2 and 1/2 anyway.....
  6. Hey Psssst

    Teabaggers Least Popular Political Group In The United States (NY Times Article)

    you do know that the tea party wasn't about not paying taxes.. but not paying them to some king in UK.. taxation without representation.... not about not paying taxes... they hijacked the whole thing.... and the 1 toothed, lazy eyed slack jawed flowers believe them... poor beggars...maybe...
  7. Hey Psssst

    Please Help!

    One week when trichs are changing....not really much more to add in 1 week... maybe if under 1-2 1000's...
  8. Hey Psssst

    Teabaggers Least Popular Political Group In The United States (NY Times Article)

    when bachman wishes elvis happy birthday on death anniversary its not a matter of popularity... its being fucking stupid as mud..... and she's frontrunner... I was the ones behind her I'd have her shot... and watch the "witch" candidate on peirs morgan tonight... she walks out when he asks...
  9. Hey Psssst

    400w hps questions

    400 - 430 good fir 4 x 4ft areal.... depending on air movement 18" at closet... I have 600 in 2ft by 2ft area at 18" from plant.
  10. Hey Psssst

    The popularity of the Tea Party

    piles of crap with good hairdo's mostly......
  11. Hey Psssst

    raising soil ph

    I always repot with new soil if it goes tits up..... instead of fighting, start at square 1. even if in flower... throwing stuff at it usually makes it worse.
  12. Hey Psssst

    Small Problem

    probably just shocked a bit...give them a day or two.... baby plants and old people hate change...believe me... just don't panic and throw shit at them....99% says they'll be fine if were before.
  13. Hey Psssst

    How do you get into politics?

    Political science in school... I had same teacher for a law course I took.. his line was that to be good at either you have to be able to lie and be convincing.... you can volunteer during elections, or join youth parties... but the courses are the best bet.. I quite...I detest...
  14. Hey Psssst


    thanks guys.....
  15. Hey Psssst


    Hey Psssst, I grow weed. many years now....... some past grows and things... have one on the go now.