I thought people keep the mother plants (original plant that you took clones from). Thats what I've always done. Then vegged my clones then put them into flower. This way i always have a plant to take clones from and wont have to wait until the smaller clones get bigger to take more clones...
Good thread. So what your saying is you have 4 main colas? instead of just 1 big one? This leads to a bigger yield of course? I've never FIM'd but maybe I may try.
Yup some hermies are genetically coded to carry that trait. They carry that extra x chromosome like xxx or xxy and you don't really have a control over what it's born with. That's why I don't mess with "fem" seeds.
I want to know this to. Although I won't be attempting 12/12 until these new batch of sprouts are harvested I'd like to know which ones thrive and which ones will fail.
Every other day is bad for plants that young. Every 3-5 days is better. When I look at some of my plants roots that I started to grow I noticed that with most but not wet dirt the roots went to the bottom of the cup within 2 days of sprouting. Like the guy said weeds find that water lol and if...
this should probably be in he toke and talk section and not newbie central. Also god gave us the marijuana plant: he also produced the paper to make cigar paper which we use to smoke blunts.