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  1. greenesthaze

    Hermie Is It Worth It ?...

    Could have been your fault too...
  2. greenesthaze

    Cloning: Do you slit the stem on your clippings?

    i was told that it tells the plant its time to make roots in a way by activating some chemical that repairs it but all that helps make new roots.
  3. greenesthaze

    Cutting Fan Leaves? A Mythbuster style experiment...

    im not bashing or wasnt trying to i am subed and watching but i just dont see it. Will keep negitivity to a min. Good luck
  4. greenesthaze

    Doggies Nuts G-13 Haze

    Oh well there is something i didnt know, learn something new everyday
  5. greenesthaze

    Durban Poison

    i also want to know more about this strain i do know its been around for a really long time, im surprised that they havent made this a “clone only“ strain.
  6. greenesthaze

    8 Plants 1 Pot

    amen i will post my grow later when i get to a computer, we can show him how to learn something instead of trying to fight everyone cause he hates himself. And my oscar meyer is just fine, didnt need a guy to tell me. Lets get this party started on the grows!
  7. greenesthaze

    Doggies Nuts G-13 Haze

    you may be legal in the state of california but it is still federaly illegal to buy sell posses only about 10 people i think it was get pot from the government.. And i am getting seeds from light disruptions but how is the new year treating everyone?
  8. greenesthaze

    Cutting Fan Leaves? A Mythbuster style experiment...

    You need clones to be doing this. If one side of the plant is stressed the whole plant is stressed. Plus its not just weight that they say is gained also potency... sure maybe the other half might be a little bigger but as long as its ALL ONE PLANT it wont be a myth bust or a side won..
  9. greenesthaze

    power away from mains

    you will need a lot of 12v batts wired in series, a voltage regulator and dc ac changer... Um thinking what else is needed could i get more detail of where it will be like will it get rained on and how hot it will get.
  10. greenesthaze

    should i top or lst 1st? with pics

    i would lst then top after you think the plant is big enough wait a little bit for the recov then flower.
  11. greenesthaze

    Cloning: Do you slit the stem on your clippings?

    i cut off the plant put into water imediatly, scrape the bottom layer of skin off the plant. Dip into rooting stuff, place into my rockwool circle. Clip the tips of the sun leafs off to premote root growth leave the clone in 78degree temps 24hour lighting till roots. No complications
  12. greenesthaze

    seeds from my grow

    yup same here i rarely buy fems, to high of a hermie rate. My sharks breath is hermieing as we speak. I will suggest la woman i put her though some shit and no hermie. Anyway i would grow them but have them outside... Thats just me. I am placing money on a couple hermies but maybe one or two...
  13. greenesthaze

    is there even a strain called skunk #9

    never heard of #9 before but maybe somewhere there is. Or was at one point?
  14. greenesthaze

    8 Plants 1 Pot

    lol i have to know what makes a moron like you think he can come on here and troll away, i would also commit murder if you were my kid as long as you werent able to walk this earth again i could sleep well at night. Anyone else notice how he calls us faggots but yet be calls us cute and kiss ...
  15. greenesthaze

    8 Plants 1 Pot

    ouch laughy taffy you have been called out sucks to be you, you have been trolling for awhile good to see someone is on your case.
  16. greenesthaze

    things to know for re-veg?

    lol from re-veg to finding him a woman too good. Glad you stoppped by brick, i forgot to take clones which is why i am re-vegging so i dont have to pay $70 for more la woman. Great advice guys thanks! I might have more questions later...
  17. greenesthaze

    things to know for re-veg?

    wow i did not know to chop roots. So i will be left with little to no bud so that it will have places for new growth or could i just leave the lower buds for that?
  18. greenesthaze

    8 Plants 1 Pot

    Havent followed as close as before sorry didnt know it wasnt sexy enough haha what a goof to ve on this earth
  19. greenesthaze

    8 Plants 1 Pot

    and for the record he did say he started flowering
  20. greenesthaze

    8 Plants 1 Pot

    Today i sprayed more co2 on them this morning one was looking like she had the flu so i wrapped the heating blanket around her. I bent one on accident by the blanket and its bleeding so i put a band-aid on it. I speak the sexy 3rd language of english that makes you all stupid. I dont know wether...