Excellent! Yes like I mentioned I've noticed it both indoors and out and have leaned toward natural responses to light at least... Temperature makes sense too, since both light and temperature both decrease at sundown.
That makes perfect sense actually... Just never really think of a plant "relaxing" you know? maybe it's because I don't pay as close attention to other plants, but I've only ever taken note of the wilt with MJ.
Anybody else notice their plants wilt at the beginnings of the nighttime cycle? I've seen it in both indoor and outdoor plants, and would be interested to hear if anybody has the reason for it happening.
k so it's been a bit. . .moved them all into the newly fashioned flowering room. I have monster air exchange in there with a 12" Max Q fan exhaust and an 8" Max Fan Pro. temps range between 70 and 75 degrees, but the Relative Humidity is still a struggle. I know low RH is desirable in the...
Having a bit of a scare with N-tox. . .hyper-green color and the dreaded "claw". . .i've leeched them twice in the past 2 cycles. . .lights just came on. . ..
go by feel. . .this is an art as much as a science. . .when the stems snap, cut the buds off the stems and put em mason jars to cure. Burp them once a week and you should be good. good luck