It was a great time growing with you guys congrats to the winners I had a feeling homebrewer was taking this one and rightfully so dont forget about me on the next one guys just in case I miss the post or something I'm always down to grow some killer in fun competition
#1 @homebrewer whole grow was amazing
#2 @Opie1971 for that amazing gelato
#3 @THT for that awsome looking brandywine
Theres my votes guys it's been fun and congrats to homebrewer I think he might have took this one
Was doing some trimming today and this one was looking pretty nice flash on also I'm almost thru one bin I'm right at 17 oz 20 grams so I'm expecting the full 3 pounds I was after so that's super exciting also I ordered my second 4by8 tent it's been a good day for me alright thats all happy...
@H.A.F. here some pics just trimmed this one
First 2 no flash with flash and in the sun smells great kinda sandalwoody with a fruity sweet overtone and the fruit mixes so well with the sandalwood after cure
#115 here my last pics most likely and if its trimmed by the 19th I'll give my final weight on the other forum
You can tell the bin with more purple it the tops and I put a 1995 gt pro series in there for size reference on the bins well I guess that's all guys its been great growing with all...
To bad sorry perm it was looking so amazing well it still does watch your Amber's start rolling in the 20th or something lol still one of my favs this competition
I smoke only no drinking here and we are both bong/rig people we pretty much only smoke bongs unless were laying in bed but even then sometimes we use the bong I I prob smoke maybe 2 bowls a month from a pipe lol
Just trying to get an idea of my tolerance levels how much do you guys smoke a week me and my wife together smoke 1and 1/2 to 2 ozs a week that doesn't include hash or rosin just weed