Just a few pic of my first side branch being trimmed I still have several days left on the rest
These ones are with the flash on and flash off that's all for now with an appearance of my belly lol Im hopeing to have everything trimmed and jarred by the 19th we will see how she goes
Hey guys just a couple pics with no numbers h and some tric shots I'd say its pretty consistent from amber to creamy they change fast I even get 2 shades of amber in these girls I never noticed before I got my new camera and a nice bud shot smells soooooo good
#115 I lied these will be my last pics with them alive I threw a 5 gallon jug in there for size reference there all about the same size and there looking really nice I've had alot of fun doing this grow with you guys happy growing!!
Heres my first bud to be trimmed from the comp looking pretty faarosssty can wait to harvest the rest at full ripeness my mom says "idc about that terpene shit I just dont want to pass out every time I smoke" so almost no amber for ma lol but still had plenty time it nowhere near "pre mature"...
#115 just some more pics been flushing for about a week now close to finishing definitely got some color changes and crusty leaves from flushing I'll be removing these dead leaves as they die and I did harvest those other 2 for my mom this one is a little trueing to the color my eyes are seeing...
Cut one for the spacey high and my moms been complaining that it's making her to tired so I guess this ones for her and some pics of the hanging weighed 480 wet with the stems we will see what I get in a weekish happy growing all
#115 heres a quick update buds a really starting to swell its chop chop time soon within 2 weeks heres some pics I havent harvested those 2 yet just waiting a little longer happy growing!!!
Heres some no number pics il post more in the TUGC forum I got a new phone so hopefully the pics are a little better and a little color happy growing guys!!