Can you take pics with more natural light? We need to see true colors
Sent from Northern Colorado.
We need pics... I grow in sunshine, so I should be able to help. Generally sunshine gets acidic with age, because it's peat based. I put dolomitic lime in it to combat that. Measuring run off really doesn't give an accurate reading of what's going on in the soil. My tap comes out at 7.4 and I...
Don't know exactly. Like 2 months. That's only a portion of the plant, the plant is on a 6 foot by 4 foot trellis.
Sent from Northern Colorado.
I used to use a 2:1 split of hps and mh to get a good spectrum. CDM is much better.
Sent from Northern Colorado.
Going to run my flat plant experiment as vert. Going to run them up the outside of my regular plants to sort of enclose the lighted area of a hortilux blue eye 600 watt.
Sent from Northern Colorado.
First 4 ChemSD x Tahoe OG. Thanks homebrew420. I got these seeds in February and am just getting to them.
Sent from Northern Colorado.
SLH vert harvest. Should be a pound a plant. Very disappointing. Very. Should be 2 a plant.
Sent from Northern Colorado.
I would say that if you flowered them to sex them you stalled them. They would have to revert to veg then start flowering again. Which can basically delay plants a month or so. You might have delayed that month of flower time. Did they spit out a bunch of weird looking single leaves after you...
Thankfully the weather outlook looks good and I have that greenhouse behind it to move it into. There's no way its coming inside with my indoor plants... Too much of a bug risk.
Sent from Northern Colorado.