How do you put the steel poles in your cross bars? Mine have these pinched U shaped things to fit over the top square. It's only a 250 watt CFL so it's not too heavy idt. Do you think adding them to the top square will help?
I'll definitely have to check those out, much appreciated. The tent doesn't have plastic corner joints though, they're aluminum I believe. I never thought to add steel poles inside for more support that's genius.
Marijuana isn't exactly kosher in my state, so minimizing all of my waste would be good. My girlfriend loves making stuff with hemp string so can you just mash up the stalks and make string like that?
The real question is what kind of nuts are they? Peanuts are good for veg but when you switch those to flower I like chestnuts. Usually half a cup of crushed almonds helps too
I got mine up to 35. I have like three jars of water sitting in the back of the tent. I know high humidity could cause mold during flowering but are there any negatives of a low humidity?
Now this is probably a dumb question, but will a 6" intake fan be enough to remove the smell? i can't spend any more money for this grow at least so fingers crossed.
My little girl hasn't sprouted yet so right now I don't have an exhaust but the temp is stable so I'm just rolling with that. I did order another 6" fan I use for intake and I figured with such a small tent that should be good enough if I set it to high. The fucking straps I was going to hang...
What are the lumens of your light? I haven't had the chance to see how much heat the 2700K one gives off but my 6400K one has my tent from 72-79 degrees Ferenheit
Over the course of my researching before I finally out a seed in the ground I realized there as many theories on perfect curing as there are stars in the nights sky. How does this sound to an experienced grower, trim and hang dry until outside is dry and stems crackle but don't snap. Then...
What size carbon filter are you using? I have 2x2 as well and the 6" is too big to hang so I was looking into a 4" for my next grow. I use a 250w CFL, 6400K for veg and 2700K for flower I believe. They don't generate that much heat either which is good because I wouldn't have room for a whole...
Well I solved one problem, I think I'm gonna cut more squares out for more airflow though. All I had to do was use a strip of electrical tape on the seam and now the tent is pitch black.
The tent is only 2x2 so the light takes up pretty much the entire space, and me being a dumbass bought the smaller ducting thinking I wouldn't need any more. Is it just a seal issue? L
I have my carbon filter hooked up the the top vent and I checked to see the direction of the airflow before I did it, but when I felt the top vent no air was being force out, it's being brought in. I flipped the fan to see if that was I but then no air moves at all.