Outdoor Training tips: train until nearly full, then allow to fill in vertically. As the flowering begins, be cordial and add an additional trellis for towering colas to be supported by. Secure the frame well and affix the trellis in such a manner that flowers that may not reach the secondary...
As things go;
the responses of the particular plant, the controls in the garden including lighting and its distance from canopy, and maybe most importantly the methods and timing of each training protocol all dictate outcome.
Some plants respond to training rapidly or explosively if you will...
Side note: place a number of seeds in cold water for cracking. Place another batch (same number of seeds, 10 or so) in a bath of water on a heating mat (seed starter mat).
Once sexually mature, compare ratio of males to females in each.
I suspect males will be most prevelant in the heated...
This will become a resource of information pertaining specifically to the methods and means of probiotic cannabis cultivation.
Everyone is welcome to post!
Please remain respectful and topic oriented, thankyou.
You are embarking on great things. This is a topic very dear to my cultivation soul.
Continue to explore!
Outdoor, finish screens early via light dep, then revegg back through winter onset, harvest again into spring, revegg with spring and repeat.
The old addage "weaker as time goes", has...
Second thoughts are so very nice. The clarity of hindsight is best, truly.
I wont be meeting with anyone.
Thank you though. I do enjoy Oregon greatly and will be among you.
Breaking 300 pages, comming up!
Thankyou all for the many years of most wonderful adventure and view into your most private worlds. To share such a thing is an effort that will increasingly become less extrodinary and under appreciated. When that is true, we have succeeded in rising above what...
Dear fellows and fauna,
Questions often get asked and sometimes skipped over with what seems to be no review. The reasons likely vary with people, opinions, knowledge on the subject or context etc, however its important to note that though this is a community page and anyone can ask or answer...
I may have spoken on this a time or two but I dont mind spinning it a bit with a different example.
Vert Scrog. So, stand in place. You, are a plant. Your body is the stalk. Spread your feet a little, it makes it easier to stand..I.e. roots.
Stretch your arms above your head, they are branches...
Thankya its quite windy here but I am enjoying the sights never the less. Sea food and wine festival in Newport was a dab and crab vacation for me no doubt.
Im venturing Newport as of late and looking to see more Oregon. May have a bean or two your folks would dig, just maybe honor a regrab at...